New Jobs

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up in my bed. Music was still blasting, and it was nighttime. I went back downstairs and everyone was partying in the pool. I ran and jumped in. We splashed around for a while. When everyone was tired of that, we got out and Alex and Nogla went upstairs. The rest of us got super hammered and did random stuff. We tried to see who could fit in the fridge, we had a contest on who could hold their beath the longest underwater, played pranks and each other, and had a drag queen contest.

I woke up again on the couch. I went upstairs to find everyone. I found Nogla on top of Alex in the sex room, both were passed out. I looked in the other rooms. Empty. I went back downstairs and saw Delirious cuddling Evan on the table, Mini in a floaty in the pool, Lui was still in the lawn, Marcel was in a tree, Terrorizer underneath the stairs in a dress and makeup on, There was food everywhere, the fridge was empty and open, and somehow, Moo was in the oven. I turned on the oven, turned on the sprinklers, pushed Marcel out of the tree, flipped Mini over, and played loud music. Everyone woke up and came into the kitchen.

"Where's Moo?" Lui asked

I looked at my phone.

"Hold on..." I said

Right on time, Moo jumped out of the oven, screaming. We all started laughing.

Terrorizer came out from underneath the stairs. 

"Did you finally come out of the closet, Terrorizer?" Nogla asked

"Shut the fuck up." Terrorizer said

I looked around, "Trevor needs us. Get your asses ready and let's go."

~Time skip~

When we got to Trevor's office, he already had jobs for us on a whiteboard.

Mini, Alex: Nerds. Stay at the base and turn off cameras, unlock doors, give directions, and give any information that the gang needs. 

Marcel, Nogla: Bodyguards. You sacrifice your life for your team. Take any shots necessary.

Wildcat, Delirious: Weapons experts. You upgrade weapons, get weapons, give weapons, and you have the most accuracy. Pretty much anything to do with weapons, that's your job.

Moo, Terrorizer: Loot holder. You carry the bags and collect any money, suitcases, ammo, guns, etc.

Lui: Look out. While everyone is doing their job, you stay outside and kill anyone trying to disrupt your work.

Evan, (Y/N): You are the leaders. You hold everyone together and protect in any possible way.

"These are your jobs," Trevor said, "I don't have time to train you because I need you urgently. You guys are going to help me with the biggest heists. That's why I need so much of you. I have all the supplies you need. You fuck up, you're dead."

He lead us to a room filled with a bunch of guns, grenades, and ammo.

"Alright, you ready for your first Heist?"

A/N: Sorry for the super short chapter! I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately and school is starting next week so updates are going to be very slow. Sorry! Anyways, thank you guys for all of your support and I will talk to you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

I had to come back and update this again because I forgot to give Mini a job. Sorry!

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