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(Your P.O.V)

When finally arrived at the house, it was dark. The house the size of Alex's house. There were lights everywhere and also a pool. When walked in, Alex fell onto the couch and completely passed out. When we got a little settled in, Trevor walked into the room.

"There's my favorite niece!" he came to hug me

"Hey Uncle Trevor." I hugged him

"You guys must be the crew. Trevor shook all their hands.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Lui said

"Don't ever call me sir. I'm Trevor." he said

Lui nodded.

"Well. Are you guys wanting to go out? On me." he asked

I looked at everyone then looked at Alex, who was laying on her stomach with her face buried into the couch.

"If she drinks a little, she can last the night." I said

"Alright. You guys get ready. I'll be back in half an hour." he said and fled the house.

Evan, Nogla, and Marcel took the bags upstairs to all of the rooms prepared for us. Everyone had to share a room with someone else. Then there were 3 room made for only having sex. There were toys, swings, lube, condoms, you name it.

The others took a seat in the living room and turned on the T.V. for the time being. I grabbed some Scotch from the fridge and sat next to Alex. I flipped her over and opened her mouth. I poured the Scotch in and waited. Almost instantly, she woke up. 

"Did I sleep?" she asked

"Kind of." said Mini

"We're going out. Come on." I patted her stomach and got up

Nogla, Evan, and Marcel came back down after a few moments.

"Okay we have organized were people will be staying." Nogla said

Evan started," Alex and (Y/N). Nogla and Lui  and Marcel. Delirious and I. Brian and Moo. Wildcat and Mini (Minicat :3). 

~Tiny Timeskip~

Trevor arrive with a limo.

"Okay kids!" he busted open the door, "We are celebrating my new recruits!"

We all got into the limo and drove off.

~Another Timeskip~

We got into the club and everything was wild. There was loud music, people dancing, and bartenders going nuts. 

"Okay guys, spread out." I said and pushed everyone

Alex and I sat at the bar and drank. I was watching as Lui was sandwiched by a bunch of girls, Terrorizer was getting a lap dance, Wildcat and Marcel were having a dance off, Moo and Evan were drinking shots off a woman's body, and Mini was making out with some girl. Nogla came and joined us. We kept on drinking until I got dizzy as hell.

(Alex's P.O.V)

(Y/N) was crazy drunk. She jumped onto the counter and started dancing and singing. The guys and I were cheering her. She kept going until she got tired and fell. Nogla and I luckily caught her. We carried her back to the limo.

"Do you want me to come with?" Nogla asked

"No. Go have fun. I'll see you later." I gave him a kiss goodbye

~Another Tiny Timeskip~

I brought (Y/N) inside and laid her in her bed. I was tired too so I also passed out.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! I haven't been keeping up with my regular schedule. Sorry! Anyways, thanks you guys or your support and I will talk to you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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