My Birthday

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(Your P.O.V.)

My birthday was today and I woke up in the bed. My pants were backwards and my shirt was inside-out. I got up and fixed my clothes. I walked down stairs and everyone was passed out. Basically was hanging over the T.V., Nogla was spread out on the couch,  Lui was on the stairs, covered with gummy worms. Delirious was on top of the fridge, Brock was outside on top of the fireplace, Mini was in the glass with a beer in his hand, and Terrorizer was in a tree.

I went upstairs and got dressed and went home. Once I got home, I opened a cabinet and got out some cake mix. I mixed it up and made 1 cupcake. Once it was done, I decorated it really nice and sat the table. There were two pillows on two chairs as if my parents were here.

"I'm 17 now, mom. I have a lot of friends. Are you proud of me?" I talked to the pillows

"And dad, I got some good grades in school. Are you proud of me?"

I mumbled, "I almost killed myself, are you proud of me?"

I blew out my candle. I wished for a better family. And for everything to be good. I slowly ate my cupcake with a fork. When I was done, I ran upstairs and took a nap.

(Terrorizer's P.O.V.)

I woke up in a tree. What? I got down and looked for (Y/N). I couldn't find her. I woke up the guys and asked if they have seen her. None of them did. We all got into he car and drove to (Y/N)'s house. Her door was unlocked. We walked in. At the kitchen table, there were two pillows and a cupcake wrapper with a candle on top of it.

"Did someone have a birthday party today?" Asked Lui

All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door and it opened. It was Alex. She had a present in on hand and balloons in the other.

"What's going on?" asked Vanoss

"Come outside, NOW!" Alex demanded

We all went outside and Alex set down her things.

"It's (Y/N)'s birthday."

We all were in shock. She never said anything about her birthday.

"Then what about the pillows?" I asked

"(Y/N) puts pillows in chairs every year like it's her parents and talks to them like they're real people."

"Then where is she?" Wildcat asked

"Probably taking a nap. I have a plan. Follow me."

(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up and took my pill. There was a note on the ground. I picked it up and read it.

Dear (Y/N),

Meet us at the Parlor

From: Everyone :P

I got up went outside. I got into my car and drove to the Parlor. Alex was waiting for me outside. Once I got out, Alex covered my eyes and walked me inside. As soon as I walked in, all of my friends jumped out and screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I gasped at everything and everyone came to hug me. I laughed and some chefs brought out a huge cake. It was a(n) (F/C) ice cream cake. It had 17 candles all around it. Everyone sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?" Lui asked

"She can't tell you!" Moo said

"It's okay, Moo, I wished for all of us to stay friends and for my parents to come back with a bigger heart." I say

"THAT'S SO HEARTWARMING!" Wildcat fake cried

We all sat down and ate the cake. Lui pulled out gummy worms and sprinkled them on his piece of cake. Delirious pulled off a huge piece of his cake and Vanoss took a piece off of his. Delirious playfully smacked Vanoss and laughed.

After everyone was done, Nogla and Alex went off somewhere. Delirious picked me up bridle style and brought me to his car. I looked at my phone. 4:57pm. My pills are going to ware-off in a little bit. I hope I can get home in time. I looked in my purse, no pill. We were really far away from my house.

Delirious took me to his house, "I have a surprise for you." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. He gave me a box with pretty wrapping on it and a blue bow. I opened it and it was a Teddy Bear with a(n) (Y/N) colored shirt on it that said, 'Someone who really loves me, went through so much trouble to get me this Teddy Bear.' I read it and giggled. I gave Delirious a hug and then I felt it. My pills, they're warring off! I said thanks to Delirious and sprinted out the door.

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