(Y/N)...This is weird

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(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

When I woke up, (Y/N) wasn't at my house. She must've left. I looked around and her clothes were gone. It didn't bother me too much until I got a phone call from Alex.

(Terrorizer's P.O.V.)

I was sitting on my couch watching T.V. and then there was a knock on the door. I was confused. Who ever comes to my house? I got up and opened the door. It was (Y/N). Confused, I asked for her to come in. But before I could speak, she jumped on top of me and knocked me over. Her (e/c) eyes were wide and she giggled like a little child. She shut the door with her foot and kissed me. I pulled away.

"(Y/N)...This is weird." I said

She didn't say anything. She only giggled. (Y/N) pinned my arms above my head. I couldn't escape. Who knew a girl could be so strong. I struggled to get out but it was no use. (Y/N) was taking off my shirt and kissing my neck. She was good. She took off my shirt, revealing my six pack. Drool dripped from her mouth to my stomach when she saw it. When she noticed she had drooled, she licked it up, making me moan. She looked up at me and smirked. When she reached my v-line, she teased me by licking and kissing it. Lost in her spell, I moaned. She must've thought it was a sign to go down because right after I moaned, she took off my pants. She got up and looked at me up and down. She moved to the couch and motioned me to come to her. Not knowing what to do, I went over to her. (Y/N) grabbed my arms and pulled me on the couch. She took off her shirt and pants and then her bra and underwear. I couldn't resist and I rubbed her boobs, making her moan. I smirked and rubbed my erection against her very wet entrance. She moved down and pulled off my boxers, revealing my huge erection. Teasingly, I rubbed my dick against her clit. She moved her hand down and shoved me inside her. She moved all the way down and made me moan really loudly. She giggled and moved all the way up and all the way down, over and over again. I flipped her over and started pounding her like no other. (Y/N) screamed her moans. I knew what she was about to do when her walls tightened on me. I went faster and harder until her finally came. But that didn't stop me. I kept going. Harder and faster with every thrust. Until finally, I came inside her. I felt so satisfied and laid right next to her and we both fell asleep.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

"Hello?" I asked Alex

"Wildcat! Where is (Y/N)? I called Vanoss and he didn't know!"

"Calm down, she was just here a while ago. Why did you need her?"

"Did you screw her?"




"She didn't take her pills, so now she's on a fucking spree. Where the hell do you think she is?"

"I have no clue."

"We have to find her."

"I'll try."


"Good luck."


(Alex's P.O.V.)

As soon as I got off the phone, I got a call from Moo.


"Hello? Alex? Uhhh....can you help me?"

"With what?" I heard pounding on a door in the background and evil laughing

"Uhhh.....well....(Y/N) came over and now she's trying to fuck me. She took off my shirt and tried taking off my pants, but I left the room and shut the door and now she wants out, HELP ME!"

"Hold her for a couple more minutes. I'm on my way."



I jump into my car and speed over to Moo's house. I open the door and run up the stairs. I see Moo, with (Y/N) on top of him, his arms pinned above him, and she's kissing his neck.

"Help me." Moo whispers to me

I ran over to them and pick up (Y/N) and pinned her arms behind her. She laughed evily and fought me. I got her in my car and strapped her to the seat. I told Moo to tell everyone to meet me at my house.

When I get to my house I put (Y/N) in a room a had specially made for her. It was just a padded room with only one way out, a door. There was a window on the door so I could see what she was doing. I locked the door. I turned around and everyone was here.

"Okay guys, do you all understand?"

"Yeah." they all said

"Be honest, who all got fucked by (Y/N)" I asked. Terrorizer, Wildcat, and Vanoss raised their hands.

"I'm glad it didn't happen to ALL of you." I said.

All of a sudden, Delirious got up and looked through the window. I heard something on our side of the door hit the door. Ting. It wasn't his hands, they were on the window. It was his junk. I looked through the window and (Y/N) was naked, fingering herself. Everyone else looked through the window. I covered the window and had everyone sit down. I looked through my purse to find (Y/N)'s pills. Once I found it, I went to the door and took a deep breath.

"Scream if you need us." Delirious said

I nodded and opened the door. I quickly shut it behind me and walked over to (Y/N). She stopped what she was doing and looked at me. I tackled her and she giggled. I tried shoving the pill down her throat but she spit it out. She growled and I got up. I walked out.

"She wont let me. One of you guys have to. Someone that hasn't fucked her."

"Me!" Delirious said

I gave him the pill and told him what to do. He nodded and walked into the room. (Y/N) immediately jumped on him and kissed him. He stood up and said, "Open your mouth."

(Y/N) giggled, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. Delirious put the pill in her mouth and shut her mouth. He held his hands on her jaw and the top of her head and told her to swallow it. After a while, she finally swallowed. Immediately, (Y/N) passed out. Delirious got up and walked out.

"That's a lot harder than it looks." he said

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