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(Alex's P.OV.)

I couldn't believe that she just did that. I walked out to the waiting room. Everyone was gone. I walked outside to only Marcel sitting on the curb with his knees up. I sat next to him. He offered me a cigarette. I took it to lay the edge off. He lit it for me and I took a puff. 

"Where is everyone?" I flicked an ash off.

"They went with Trevor somewhere." Marcel sounded still angry.

"You're still angry?" I closed my knees together.

He grunted.

"(Y/N) turned herself in. She's in 5 East." I sucked on my cancer stick.

"She belongs there." He stretched his legs out.

"You know what?" I flicked my cigarette, "(Y/N) might've fucked up, big time, but everyone deserves a second chance!" I stood up in front of him, "She just turned herself in because she thought it would make you happy!"

"Be also almost killed one of my friends and raped the others!" He stood up.

"And you're not perfect either!" I barked back.

"Look, I can't handle much more. Want to go eat?" He sucked on his cigarette and flicked it away as he blew the smoke into my face.

"Sure." I walked to my car and Marcel walked to his. We drove to Popeyes.

We got our food and sat down. We didn't say much.  After eating we both went home.

~The next morning~

My phone rang as soon as I woke up.

"Hello?" I had a little rasp in my voice.

"Hello, is this Alexandrite Masters?" A woman asked.

"Yes, this is her." I rubbed my eyes.

"We'll need you at the hospital as soon as possible." 

"What happened?" I yawned.

The woman hung up.

"Who was that?" Nogla asked on the other side of the bed.

"Just go get the guys and meet me at the hospital." I jumped to get ready.


The guys arrived shortly after I did.

"What happened?" Moo asked.

"I don't know." I started to panic.

"We need to talk to everyone who are friends and family of (Y/N) (L/N)." A doctor came out to the waiting room, "Is there any family here?"

Trevor stepped up, "I'm her uncle."

"Okay, sir, come this way." The doctor took him down the hallway where we could still see him.

The doctor put his hand on Trevor's shoulder and moved his lips. Trevor covered his face and fell to his knees. I looked at the guys, they all knew. The doctor came back and left Trevor.

"I'm sorry, but (Y/N) passed away last night." He looked at us with sympathy.

I couldn't move, "What happened?" Wildcat was pale.

"She got into medicine she wasn't supposed to have and overdosed." The doctor looked at his clipboard.

Evan covered his mouth. Mini started full out bawling.

"What is Lui going to say?" Nogla spoke barely above a whisper.

"I don't know." I could barely breathe. I started crying on Nogla's chest.

"This can't be happening." Delirious took off his mask and put his hands over his face.

"I shouldn't have blown up like that." Marcel whimpered.

~A few days later~

(Marcel's P.O.V.)

I looked over her body in the coffin. I put a rose and a tear on her as I realized I could never apologize to her. Ever.

The End.

The book is over! I'm not updating again! This book has been going on for almost two years. I want to thank you guys so much for all of your support and I hope you will read my other books! Thank you guys so much and I will talk to you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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