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(Alex's P.O.V)

I can't believe that just happened. I followed Marcel outside.

"Are you okay?" I tried to put my hand on his shoulder.

"No." His voice cracked a little and he smacked my hand away.

"Here, kid, take one of these." Trevor handed Marcel a cigarette. He hesitated but took the offer. He bent over and pulled a little matchbox out of his pocket and lit the cigarette. 

"Marcel, you know what kind of mental state she's in." I bent over.

"She was fine until she came into our lives." Marcel stood up, "Oh," He burst back into the hospital, "That reminds me."

"Marcel, please." I tried to stop him.

"And (Y/N), your pill is bullshit. You get horny if you don't take it? What kind of bullshit is that?" His cigarette was still in his mouth.

"Sir, there is no smoking in the emergency room." A nurse tried to push him out.

"You should be in a mental hospital, not here! We've all wasted our energy and, for some of us, virginity on you! How do you feel about that? You should feel horrible!" He turned around stormed outside again.

I stayed with (Y/N), "Are you okay?"

"He's right, I shouldn't be here. I'm meant to be in a mental hospital. My pill is an excuse to get into everyone's pants." She turned white.

"It's okay," Mini stood next to her, "We know it's not your fault you're like this."

"No, I'm so mentally unstable I made up an illness just so I could fuck all of you."

Wildcat stood from his chair, "That's not true, is it? You're actually sick?"

"I'm not. I just used that as an excuse." She was shaking horribly.

"So, all of those times, you were actually conscious?" Moo asked.

"Yes." She barely said.

"Oh, my fuck!" Wildcat punched the wall and a painting fell.

Everyone left the waiting room. I stayed along with (Y/N).

"You, know. It's pretty bad what you put them through. You can't blame them for being mad." I rubbed her back.

"You need to take me to the mental rooms here." (Y/N) walked up to the secretary.

"Why, ma'am?" The woman asked.

"I tried to kill myself." She said.

"(Y/N), no." I walked behind her.

"Right this way, ma'am." She grabbed a pair of scrubs, "What is your name?"

"(Y/N) (L/N)" She barely spoke over a whisper.

The woman walked (Y/N) to an elevator. (Y/N) was pale with her arms crossed, trying to stop herself from shaking. I followed them both into the elevator. The woman pressed to number 5.

We walked to a door that the woman had to unlock. We walked down a very long hallway with rooms on the right and random doors on the left. We walked to, what looked like, a living room with a foosball table, a T.V., a couch, and a table with a bunch of coloring pages and crayons on it. 

"Hey, Mike." The woman knocked on the window of an office that was in front of the living room.

"Yes, Ruth." She stood up.

"This is (Y/N) (L/N) and she needs a room."

"Here, 428 is open."  He walked up to a door and unlocked it. Inside was a bed and a bathroom with a door.

"(Y/N) are you sure about this?" I asked as the woman gave her her scrubs.

(Y/N) didn't say anything except, "Just come during visiting hours."

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