Don't scare me like that

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(Wildcat's P.O.V)

It stopped. I felt like I had a heart attack. The doctor ran in and rushed us out.

"(Y/N)!" screamed Vanoss, trying to get back in the room. (Y/N) started jumping and spazzing out.

We all started waiting in the waiting room. The doctor came back in at about 30 minutes after.

"Is she ok?" Alex asked

"The cord we used to help her breathe was faulty and we replaced it with a brand new one."

I sigh of relief fell over everyone.

I ran into (Y/N)'s room. Her tube was removed. That means she was breathing alright. Vanoss rushed in and sat by her and held her hand.

"Please don't scare me like that," he said, softly

(Vanoss's P.O.V)

"Please don't scare me like that," I said while holding (Y/N)'s hand. All of a sudden, I felt a finger rub my hand. I look up and (Y/N) is staring at me. Her eyes were barely open. She moved her head a little bit and looked at Wildcat. He was on his phone. She looked back at me.
"T-Thanks." She said very softly and blinked slowly.
I smiled and rubbed her hand.

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter. I've been so busy with school and it's hard to be on top of work and this. I'll try to make the next one longer! Bye!

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