What did you see?

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(Your P.O.V)

We all ran back to the house. We couldn't find Terroriser or Moo anywhere.

"Were they not just here?" Delirious asked.

"Yeah..." Wildcat trailed.

"Alex, Nogla, and Marcel, start up the booze. I'll take Lui upstairs to let him rest. The rest of you will look for the guys." I said.

(Evan's P.O.V.)

The guys and I all split up to find Moo and Terroriser. I walked outside and to the van until I heard a little bit of moaning. The van started moving up and down. My eyes got wide. Was it Moo and Terroriser? No, it can't be. They're not gay. I looked through the window.

(Your P.O.V.)

I laid Lui down and sat next to his bed. 

"(Y/N)?! Get down here!" I head Alex yell.

"Okay!" I yelled back, "Stay here, Lui."

He nodded.

I walked down the stairs.

"Evan, what did you see?" Nogla asked.

"You do NOT want to know." Evan sat down, his eyes wide.

"EVAN!" Wildcat yelled, "Just tell us whatever the fuck you saw!" 

"I found Terroriser and Moo." he lightly said.

"Where?" Marcel asked.

"They're inside each other." he said

"You can not be serious." Mini said.

Wildcat brust out laughing. 

"I'm serious."

Delirious nudged Wildcat to shut up.

"Well, where are they?" I asked.

"In the van."

"The fuck, man? I drive that thing." Nogla stomped his foot.

"Do they know that we have a sex room?" I asked

"Probably." Wildcat said

(Moo's P.O.V.)

Why did he say that my tattoo was cute? It said Boner Garage on it!

"You okay?" Terroriser asked.

I snapped out of it, "Yeah."

"I saw you turn pink." he said

I turned red.

"Now you're red." he smirked.

I turned my head.

"C'mon, Brock." he took his hand and rubbed my thigh, "They guys wont realize we're gone for a while."

"No." I said

He moved his hand up to by crotch, "I know you want to." he said.

He stopped the car in front of the house.

"Fuck it." I got out of the car and headed thowards the van.

He followed me.

"That's what I'm talking about." He grabbed me and we got into the van. The next thing I knew, our clothes were off.

(Your P.O.V.)

"Just leave them alone. And no one, I reapeat, NO ONE says anything about this." I looked at Wildcat.

"Alright. LET'S PARTY!" Wildcat yelled.

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