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(Your P.O.V.) 

I woke up and I was naked. Also my crouch hurt. I got up and opened my laptop. I was on PornHub. Just great. I got dressed and took a double dose of my pill. My phone started ringing. It was Delirious.

"Hello?' I answered

"Hey, uhh...(Y/N)?" He stuttered


"Do you know what happened last night?" he asked me

"No?" I said, confused

"Well....You left and forgot you present. Then when I went to return it to you, you were watching porn. And when I tried to leave, I made a noise and you heard me. Then we fucked." 

My eyes widened, "Do NOT tell anyone!" 

"I wont." he promised

" was I?" I asked, stupidly.

"You were really good. How about me?" he asked

"How would I know? I black out when I don't take my pill. But I bet you were good." I said

"Want to find out? I'm sorry!!! I was just joking! I didn't mean to-"

"Come over." I interrupted and hung up.

(Delirious's P.O.V.)

I was shocked at her answer. I put my phone down and went outside to my car. I didn't want to disappoint her. 

I knocked on her door. She opened and looked around and then pulled me in. We started making out and moved all they way to the couch. I got on top and took off her shirt.

The door opened, it was Terrorizer. He had a present in his hands and stood there, staring at us. I got off of (Y/N) and we both stood up. (Y/N) put her shirt back on.

"T-Terrorizer.." (Y/N) said

He said nothing and walked out. (Y/N) ran after him. I watched from the window. I opened it a little so I could hear everything.

"Terrorizer! Stop!" (Y/N) screamed at him

He turned around, "I came to bring you a gift, and you do this?!" He shouted

"I-I'm sorry! My pill wore off last night an-"

Terrorizer interrupted (Y/N), "That's your excuse! THAT'S ALWAYS YOUR EXCUSE!"

(Your P.O.V.)

"I CAN'T HELP IT! I FORGET MY PILL AND...and I'm not perfect." I said

Terrorizer waited a while then threw the gift at me and said, "I hope you like it."

I fell into tears as he got into his car and drove away. Delirious came outside and rubbed my back.

"Go away." I said

He got into his car and rove away. I ran inside, went into the bathroom and locked the door.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I heard what happened between (Y/N) and Terrorizer so I went to talk to her.

I knocked on her door. No answer.

"(Y/N)? It's me, Wildcat! I know you're upset and I want to talk to you."

I knocked again and the door opened itself. I walked in and heard shaking coming from the bathroom. I opened the door and saw (Y/N) trying to open a bottle of sleeping pills. I tried to get the pills from her. She fought with me.

"I-I can't get the cap open!" she said

I pulled one more time and all of the pills spilled out.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" she screamed in my face and fell. I sat next to her and held on to her and rocked back and forth. She cried and it made me cry that she was trying this again. I got my phone out went she calmed down a little and texted Vanoss.

A little later, he came into the bathroom and saw everything. He picked up (Y/N) and told me to pick up the pills.

(Vanoss's P.O.V.)

I brought (Y/N) upstairs and laid her on the bed. She was half awake. I grabbed her suitcase and packed some clothes and all of her needed pills. Wildcat came upstairs after a while.

"She going home with you?" he asked. I nodded and threw it over my shoulder. I picked up (Y/N) and brought her to my car.

"Come over later," I told Wildcat, "I have a feeling she'll want to see you."

"Okay." he said we drove off.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm sorry for the short chapter. I've been really tired and I'm trying to get as much work as I can! I hope you enjoyed. I will see you all later and STAY SWEET ME PEEPS!

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