I love you

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(Your P.O.V.)

I had no where to go so I went with Lui to his house.

Once we got there, he made me breakfast and we sat at the table and talked.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)." he said

"It's not your fault." I said

"Y-. I guess it isn't but it feels like it is." he said and leaned over to kiss me. I kissed him back. We started having a make-out session. Lui picked me up and took me over to the couch and jumped onto me. Then he started taking off my top again. He took off his and I rubbed his chest.
He stopped and sat up.

"Why did you stop?"

"I-It was my fault." he said

"What?" I asked

"Wildcat talked to me before the party and asked if he might have a chance with you. And I got jealous and tried to have sex with you instead."

I instantly got upset

"Are you serious!?! One of my best friends hates me and your cause of it! Not only that, you tried to have sex with me!" I shouted at him. He turned pale and tried to speak. I broke into tears, put on my shirt, and ran out the door.

I ran home, not thinking. My dad was waiting outside for me he chased me inside and grabbed my wrist.

"You're not escaping me now." he said and handcuffed my hands behind my back. Just my day, huh?  He sat in his seat and bent me over his lap. I looked up a little and saw my mom on the couch, smoking. I yelled for her to help. She just looked at me and looked away. Meanwhile, my father was rubbing me up and down. I manged to kick him and run for it. I ran up to my room and locked my door. I looked out the window and saw my dad and mom get their car and drive off.

I couldn't take it anymore. As I walked around I saw all of my pills. Melatonin, Anti-depressent, and Mood Stableizers. I grabbed a Gatorade and swallowed every pill I had. I started to get dizzy and spotted a rope. I stood on a chair and tied it around my ceiling fan. But then got down. I got out my razor and thought, Maybe one more time, as I took it and ran it deeply down my arms and legs over and over again. Watching the blood flow down my body, I tie to rope around my neck and knock over the chair.

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