Alex's house

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(Vanoss's P.O.V)

After a while, everyone had to go home. I couldn't leave (Y/N), though. The only people with us were Wildcat, Lui, Nogla, and Marcel. We were going around (Y/N)'s neighborhood, looking for Alex's house. We saw a huge house that was old but really cool. (Picture above).

"Right there!" Alex leaned over (Y/N), who was in her lap, and pushed her hand right in front of my face, pointing to the house.

"That? That's your house?" Marcel was very shocked

"Yeah." Alex replied

"Wow, white girls are rich," Marcel said, "I live in a box."

Alex laughed. We pulled up to the doors.

"You can leave it here. My dad usually isn't home, and my mom as her own hospital so she can walk." she pouted a little

We got out and Alex carried (Y/N). She gave her to me when we got to the door.

"Hold her." she said and pressed her door bell.

"Welcome to the Master's residents. State your identity. " a voice spoke from the doorbell.

"Alexandrite Nichole Masters." she said

"Welcome, Alex." said the door and it buzzed

"C'mon, guys." she said, opening the door and taking (Y/N) from me

Her house was AWESOME. I've been here before, but it was her backyard with a random shed with a padded room inside. I've never been inside her house. It was old-styled, with paintings, antiques, and old-colored paint on the walls. Marcel and Wildcat loved it. Lui jumped around singing the ABC's in his kid voice, Wildcat and Marcel joined. I stood by Alex, looking at (Y/N). Nogla didn't seem surprised at all.

"What's up Nogla?" I asked

"Nothing, it's just, I've already been here before."  he said

"Oh....wait, WHAT?" I said, shocked. Wildcat was too.

"Alex and I are together, we hang around here all the time."

"Oh..." I said

"Okay Lui, let's go." Alex said and started to walk up her long steps.

Lui and the rest of us followed Alex to her room. That was huge as well. It she had drawings of Anime, a BUNCH of computer screens with one keyboard and mouse, and she had the biggest, must fluffiest bed I've ever seen. Lui and Marcel jumped on the bed, Wildcat and I explored the drawings.

"Did you draw ALL of this?" Wildcat asked

"Yep. Okay guys, let's go find my mom." Alex didn't even look like she was breaking a sweat while holding (Y/N). We walked down some hallways. Alex went to a door that was about in the middle of the hallway. She gently kicked the door with her foot.

"Hello?" she asked

No one was there. It was a nurse's office. Alex put (Y/N) on a bed.

"Vanoss, come help me find mom. The rest of you stay here and watch (Y/N)."

We walked through her house. It was like a maze. Alex yelled through her whole house.

"Mom? Mom?" she asked over and over again

We went outside to a huge building in the back. Alex's yells got louder. She sounded very scared.

"Mom?! Mom?! MOM!?" she kept yelling

She started from walking to running to sprinting into the back building. She busted through the door and ran down a hall. When we got to a door, Alex kicked the door open, this time very hard so that the door almost broke. Alex ran inside. She saw her mom, filling a syringe. Alex smacked the syringe out of her hands.

"What was that for?" her mom asked

"Mom! Please! Stop!" Alex shook her mom

Tears rolled down her mom's face, she hugged Alex. Alex hugged back.

"Mom, I need your help." she said, "It's (Y/N)."

Her mom wiped her tears and nodded. We ran back inside. Alex ran into the office where (Y/N) was. Her mom ran over to (Y/N). She did some stuff and told us to leave the room.

We walked out and went downstairs.

"I hope (Y/N) is okay." Lui said

"She will be. My mom knows what she's doing." Alex rubbed Lui's back

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Alex got up and motioned us to go into her kitchen. That was huge as well. Her fridge was even bigger. She opened it and told us we could eat whatever. Lui looked around for gummy worms, Macel found whatever and ate the shit out of it, Nogla stayed by Alex, Wildcat and I just watched the others.

Soon after, Alex's mom came downstairs.

"How is she?" Wildcat jumped up

"She's should be fine, but she needs a LOT of rest. She's been through so much." she said, "I think it's best that (Y/N) stays here."

We nodded.

After a while, we all had to go home. Besides Nogla. He stayed with Alex. I got home and changed into my pajamas. I couldn't sleep, though. I kept thinking about what happened. I kept seeing her face, in pain. Blood pouring out her mouth. I was scared she might be kidnapped again. I was scared.

A/N: Sorry for the wait! I've been helping my friend with her story and I've been busy with school. Anyways, thank you guys for your support and I will see you all later....STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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