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(Your P.O.V)

We packed our things and headed out. In the car, Evan opened a brief case.

"Trevor said to use these." He pulled out ear pieces.

We all put them in along with mouth pieces.

"Alex?" Evan asked.

"Yes?" She answered in our ears.

We pulled up to the bank. Traditional. We slipped our masks on and put our hoods up.

"Alex, Mini, are the cameras off?"

"Yup. We also disabled all emergency 911 buttons. You are free to go in."

Marcel and Nogla got out first. Lui stayed in the car. Terrorizer and Moo took the bags.

We walked in. Evan and I already had guns.

"Everyone get down!" I yelled.

Wildcat got out the guns and passed them out. Nogla and Marcel stayed with the people, Wildcat and Delirious raided whatever they could find, while Evan, Moo, Terrorizer, and I looked for the safe.

"Alex. We're here."

"Okay. The combination is 725193056141"

It opened. We took all of the money and handed the bags to Moo.

We left. The cops where outside. Lui was on the ground, motionless.

"ALEX!" I yelled.

"What happened?!"


Evan picked him while Wildcat, Delirious, Nogla, Marcel, and I all fought off the cops. We jumped in the car and Nogla drove off. We sped around every corner and ran every stoplight, trying the lose the cops.

Eventually, Nogla lost them.

We took out masks off.

"Are you okay, Lui?" Nogla asked.

"I'm fine. I got shot once but then pretended to be dead."

We arrived at the office.

"Did you get everything?" Trevor asked.

"Of course!" Moo and Terrorizer threw the bags at him.

He took out a bug stack.

"This is for you." He threw the remaining one and a half bags to us.

"Go celebrate." He walked away.

We all jumped with joy. Mini took Lui and sewed the wound.

We spilt up in two cars. One car went home, and the other going with Moo to fix his tattoo.

Moo came back with an awesome dragon on his back.

"That's cool." I said

We all decided to have a party.

A/N: I seriously wrote this at 3 AM. I am sorry if it's sucks and if it's bad. I'll come out with another one later. Anyways, Thank you for all of your support, and I will talk to you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS

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