One Long Ride

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(Your P.O.V.)

After an hour of driving, the guys got very cranky.

"When he FUUUUUUUUUUCK are we getting there!" Grumpy Wildcat groaned from the backseat

"Are you hungry, Wildcat?" I asked

"Fucking Yes!!!" He Said

"Alex. There's a Buffalo Wild Wing's right there. We can get something quick." I said

Alex turned into the parking lot. We got out and everyone stretched. Moo was stretching out his arms and he hit Mini in the face.

"Fucking hell, man." Mini said

"Sorry." Moo started laughing

We walked inside and pushed some tables together so everyone could fit. Our server was not cheering up Wildcat.

"Okay. Well, Welcome to Buffalo Wild Wings. My name is Nicole. What do you want to drink?" she chewed her gum with her mouth open

We looked at our menus. The guys and Alex all got a pop and I got Tea (I don't care if you don't like tea. I do)

We all talked for a while about what to order. Nicole came back about 20 minutes later.

"Have you guys thought about what you want to eat."

We all ordered. Wildcat was last and couldn't figure out what to get.

"Come on, already. I don't have all day."

I looked at Wildcat.

I swear I saw a little bit of steam come out of his ears.

"Listen, you little bitch. I have been in a packed car for the past 3 hours filled with sweaty guys. I'm starving and I want food. Now it better be quick because if it isn't, I will hurt you."

Nicole's face turned white as Wildcat's turned red.

"He'll get The Flipside Pancakes. With Bacon." I said

Wildcat turned to Terrorizer, who was sitting in front of him.

After a while, we got our food and ate. We left without leaving a tip.

After another few hours of driving, we arrived in Los Santos. I called Trevor.

"Hey kid! Where are you?"

"We just arrived in Los Santos."

"Okay. I have a house for you guys to stay in." And he gave us the address.


"No Problem. Bye."



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