Staying with Wildcat

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(Wildcat's P.O.V.)





I cried a little.

I couldn't let her go. I felt that if I did, she would be gone forever. I hugged her tight.

"I missed you." (Y/N) said very faintly into my ear

I hugged her tighter.

"Ugh! You're. Crushing. Me. W-Wildcat?" she grunted

"Sorry, I was trying to say...Me too." 

The guys came back into the room and sat back down. Mini gave her a bracelet with her first initial on it. He put it on her.

"T-Thanks Mini." she said

"No problem." he said

The doctor came into the room and wrapped (Y/N)'s arm in a some new wrapping. It hurt me to see her scars.
After a while, the doctor told us it was okay for (Y/N) to go home. But she couldn't be alone. So I took her home with me.

I carried (Y/N) to my car and put her in.

Once we got to my house, my sister called me and asked if I can come over to her house tonight. I said yes and told (Y/N) about it. She was very excited and ran upstairs to get dressed.

When she came back down, she was wearing ball skinny jeans, a Black Veil Brides T-shirt, and orange Converse.
"You look nice." I said
"Thanks." She blushed
My sisters house wasn't too far from mine so we walked. I knocked on the door. My sister opened it and gave me a big near hug.
"There's my big brother!" She said

And who is this adorable girl!?!" she said, grabbing (Y/N)'s cheeks. (y/N) giggled.

"This is (Y/N)." I said, trying to pry her hands from (Y/N)'s face.

"Oh! Is this your girlfriend?" she asked, with a sarcastic smirk on her face.

"No!" I blushed

My sister giggled and welcomed us in. There was an arm-wrestling contest going on. (Y/N) and my sister ran over to the battle. I followed them.  A woman was the winner. I had no clue of who it was. She was going against a big, muscular man. She won in an instant.

"Anyone else wanna go against me?!" she stood up and shouted

"My brother wants to!" My sister shouted

"No!" I yelled but (Y/N) and my sister pushed me into the seat.

"Don't go easy on me." The girl said and laughed

"I wont." I said and grabbed her hand

It was a long battle. I was winning. The girl leaned towards me and kissed me to weaken me.

(Wildcat's Sister's P.O.V.)

Me and (Y/N) were cheering on Wildcat. The girl who was going against him was my friend Lola. When Lola noticed she was losing, she leaned in and kissed Wildcat. She slammed her hand down in the middle of the kiss and won.

I looked over at (Y/N). Her face was red with rage

"YOU BITCH!" (Y/N) yelled out

In the blink of an eye, (Y/N) jumped on top of Lola and beat the living shit out of her. She punched Lola's cheek and two of her teeth fell out. Blood splat everywhere. Everyone was screaming, "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!"

Lola didn't stand a chance. (Y/N) pulled some of Lola's hair completely out. Wildcat jumped out of his seat and pulled (Y/N) off of Lola.
(Y/N) tried to squirm out of Wildcat's arms.

"Bitch." Lola barely said.

That set off (Y/N) and she go out of Wildcat's arms. She kicked Lola's side over and over again and then stormed out of the house.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I chased (Y/N) outside

"What the hell was that?!" I yelled at her

She turned to me, "Excuse me?!" she said

"Why did you get so worked up over a dumb kiss?!"


"Because what?!"

"Because!" she lowered her voice a little, "For the past few days I've been tired, upset and.."

"And what!?" I screamed

"AND HORNY!" she yelled back. I stood there. "And seeing you made it worse, So when she kissed you, I-I freaked out. I'm sorry."

I gave her a hug. "Do you want to go home?" I asked

"Sure." she said and I picked her up and brought her home.

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