All the time

409 13 6

(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up and smelt toast. I threw on one of Vanoss's big shirts and went downstairs. Vanoss was in baggy pants and no shirt, cooking. I snuck up behind him and gave him a hug. He put down his butter-knife and hugged me back. Vanoss turned around and kissed me. I could feel something hit me. Something pointy.

"Vanoss?" I ask, pulling away

"You can call me Evan." he said

"E-Evan?" I asked, nervously

He didn't say anything and kissed me. He picked me up and I put my legs around his hips, still kissing him. He laid me on the couch and took off my shirt. I wasn't wearing my bra or underwear. I took off his pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear either. His dick (once again) bobbed up to his bellybutton. I sat up and rubbed it. I looked up and Evan's eyes were as big as the moon. I chuckled and put his dick in my mouth. Going slow and then speeding up. I was soon enough bobbing my head up and down real fast. I heard Evan moaning.

"(Y-Y/N)" He moaned

I stopped and heard a slight whine come from Evan.

"Not yet." I whispered and winked at Evan

I laid on the bed and motioned him to come towards me. He jumped on top of me.

"My turn." he said, moving down.

When he reached his destination, he looked up and smirked at me. I smirked back as he licked my clit and shoved his finger in me. Then another one. I moaned and he stopped. I whined a little and Evan smirked at me. He leaned towards my face.

"Sucks, don't it?" he said as he thrusted into me. I grunted and arched my back.

"Are you alright?" he asked

"I'm f-fine. Keep going" I manage to say.

He knew I needed more and he thrusted harder and deeper. I grunted and moaned at the same time.

Then there was a knock on the door. Evan didn't stop and I blushed bright red as Moo walked in.

"I just to borrow a controller." Moo said, not even looking at us and picking up an XBox controller in front of us.

"O. K. Man. B. Bye." Evan said between thrusts

"Have fun you two." Moo said, leaving

Evan was going even faster and harder.

"E-EVAN!" I screamed before we both came together.

Evan laid by me. After a while, he got up and put his pants on. He gave me the shirt for me to put on. I put it on and followed Evan to the kitchen. I sat at the table and Evan gave me some toast and eggs. We both ate and then went upstairs and took a nap.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I texted (Y/N), trying to get a hold of her. She didn't answer. I went to Vanoss's house and knocked on the door. No answer. I pounded on the door. No answer. I left and went to play GTA 5 with Moo. Once I got on, Moo was blowing up my ear.


"What?" I asked.

I dropped my headset when he told me what he saw.

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