Unexpected call

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up to the smell of food. My stomach screamed for it. I rolled out of bed and threw on a huge shirt. I was too lazy to put on anything else. 

The kitchen was packed with the guys. They turned to me and their eyes grew wide. Evan dropped the spatula.

"What?" I asked "Where's Alex?"

"B-Business meeting." Terrorizer stuttered.

"C'mon, guys, be mature." I walked over to them and bent down a little to smell the food. It was amazing.

"Smells good, Evan." I kissed his cheek

"Thanks." He continued to cook.

"How's Delirious?" I asked

"He's doing alright," Lui said, "He's been asleep all the time lately."

"Guys?" I asked "Can I talk to you?" 

"Sure!" Mini said

"I blacked out. I don't remember doing anything to Delirious." I started to break down, "I want you to know that I would never EVER do anything like that to anyone." Basically walked over to me and rubbed my back, "I'm sorry." I cried out.

The guys walked over and gave be a bug hug.

"We know you would never do something like that, (Y/N), and we love you. We forgive you, too." Wildcat said

I cried harder.

During breakfast.  My phone started ringing. I looked at the number. It was familiar. I answered it.


"Ha Hey! (Y/N)! My favorite niece!" The man said

"Oh my god. Hello Uncle Trevor."

The guys jaws dropped.

"What do you want Trevor?" I asked

"Kid, I heard about what you've been doing for the past year. I love your instanity, kid. So I want you to come down to Los Santos to work for me." He said

"How much do I get paid?" I ask

"Well, it depends on how good you are. You can get up to over a hundred thousand for one heist. So, kid, what do you say?" He asked 

"I'll tell you my answer tonight."


"Bye Trevor."

"Bye kid."


I continued to eat. The guys mouths were still dropped to the floor.

"What?" I asked with a mouth full of food.

"Who was that?" Evan asked

"That was my uncle Trevor. He lives in Los Santos." Before I could say anything else, the guys freaked the fuck out.

"Oh my god!" Delirious yelled

"THE Trevor?" exclaimed Lui

"THAT'S YOUR UNCLE?" Marcel shouted

"Calm down!" I yelled over them

"Yes 'The Trevor' is my uncle. He called me go to Los Santos to work for him." I said

"You should bring us!" Mini said

"I'll talk to him later tonight." I said and continued eating 


Alex came home later in the afternoon. 

"Hey my Uncle called. He wants us to go to Los Santos to work for him. I think we could use your computer skills."

"I have to talk to mom. She'll probably be fine with it." 

I called back Trevor.

"Hey, kid. Made up your mind?"

"Yeah. My friends and I are coming to Los Santos."

"Great! I'll pay for your gas money or plane tickets."

"Okay. Bye Uncle Trevor."

"Bye, kid."

A/N: Sorry I've not been writing! I've been extremely busy! Anyways, thank you guys for all of your support and I will talk to you all later..STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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