Wake up

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(Lui's P.O.V.)

I woke up with gummy worms all over my face. I heard screaming. No one was in the room. I stood up and saw (Y/N), squirming everywhere and screaming and saying, "WAKE UP!"

I shook her, "(Y/N)! It's a dream!"

She shot up and hugged me. She started crying.

"M-my mom. S-she died. B-because O-of M-me." she weeped

"Hey. Hey. It's not your fault." I said, hugging her back

She cried harder and hugged tighter. I saw a note on the table next to the bed. I opened it.


We didn't want to wake you so we left you alone with (Y/N). We all ran home because we couldn't sleep on the floor and Wildcat had a family emergency. The doctor said after (Y/N)'s clean up today, she can go home. We tole him that she can go with Wildcat but he had to leave. So we are sending her with you. Please take care of her.


"Do you want breakfast?" I asked. (Y/N) nodded

I helped her get out of bed. She stood up just fine.

"I'm surprised you are this well." I said

(Y/N) giggled a little and tried to bend down and grab her bag.

"C-Can you grab that?" she asked me

"Sure!" I grabbed the bag and gave it to (Y/N) and she sat back down. She pulled out a really baggy (F/C) sweater and very baggy black sweatpants. She sighed

"No shirts...great."

She twitched trying to take off her clothes. She stopped. She had nothing off.

"C-Can you help me?" She asked

"Uhhh....sure!" I said

I helped pulling off her shirt. I saw her torso was very bruised. She wasn't wearing a bra.

"D-Do you have a b-bra?" I stuttered

"Y-You can check." she said, pointing to her bag. I found her (F/C) bra.

"It's matches your sweatshirt." I said

She lifted her arms, signaling me to put on her bra for her. I slipped the straps down her arms and clipped the back.

"Th-Thanks." she said

I carefully put her sweatshirt on over her cast.

She slowly pulled off her pants. No underwear.

"Uhh.." I started to sweat, "Why don't we look, shall we?"

I scrambled through her bag to look for her underwear. What do you know? No underwear.

"Uhh....." I said

"J-Just help me with my pants." she said. I nodded

I bent down and she put her hands on my shoulders. I sweated more and blushed hard as I got closer to her. She put her leg through on side and very carefully put her other one in the other. I pulled her pants all the way up.

"Thanks." she said

"No problem."

She sat in her wheel chair. I pushed her out of the room. I looked for the cafeteria. I saw the hallway to it and pushed really hard and stood on the back of the wheelchair.

"WEEEEE!!!!" I screamed in my kid voice

(Y/N) giggled hard. Once we reached the food, I asked, "What do you want?"

"That!" he pointed to french toast and syrup, "What do YOU want?" she asked me

"CHEERIOS!" I yelled and grabbed a little box of Cheerios. We headed back to the room. We sat and ate.

"You're going home with me today." I said, opening my Cheerios box.

"Okay." she said, pouring her syrup

We ate and talked a little. After a while the doctor came in.

"Okay Miss (Y/N), you can go home after we clean off your face." He said and left the room. A nurse came into the room with a rag and very gently washed (Y/N)'s face. She took off her head bandage and put on a new one. The doctor came back with a different wheelchair.

"Your friends brought this for you." he said putting it right next to (Y/N)

It was (Y/N)'s favorite color and her name was bedazzled on the back. I helped her into it. She put her pills into her purse and grabbed her stuff. I wheeled her out and got her to my car. I helped her into the passengers seat and put the wheelchair in the back. I got in and started the car. We drove away to my house.

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