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A/N: Sorry about the picture, I just wanted you guys to know that this is a nightmare. On with the story.

(Your P.O.V)

I just got home. My dad was on the couch, drinking. 

"Hey dad! Loo what I made you!" I said, giving him a card. He just go out his light and set it on fire. That's how he treats most of the gifts I give him. He says that's how he shows how much he cares for my gifts.

"B-but dad." I stuttered.

"I know a way you can give me a gift." he said

"REALLY!?" I said, excitedly. He had a weird look on his face and told me to come over to him. 

"Now, lets get you out of those clothes." he said. I was confused, but I did what he said. Then he started touching me. 

"Dad stop!" I yelled and started squirming. He pulled down his pants and told me to 'suck it' as he pointed to his dick. I had to do what he said. I had no other option. I cried and cried but he didn't seem to care. And things went WAY too far.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

(Y/N) fell asleep. I put her in my bed and got some blankets for me to sleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake her so I dressed her myself. I put her in some of my pajama pants and a big shirt. I also put her bra on her, too.

I went downstairs and fell asleep on the couch at about 10:58pm.

All of a sudden, I hear screaming coming from upstairs. I look at my phone. 3:47am. I sprint upstairs and open my door. (Y/N) is squirming everywhere and screaming at the top of her lungs saying, "STOP! STOP! STOP!"

I get in the bed and cradle (Y/N) and say "Shh" softly. She starts to calm down. Then she wakes up.

(Your P.O.V.)

I had such a bad nightmare I started screaming. I heard someone running up the stairs. Wildcat comes in the room. He jumps into the bed and rocked me back and forth.

"Shh." he says

I look up at him and hug him tightly.

"He's coming. He's coming. He's coming." I said

"Who?" Wildcat asked

"My father."

"He's not going to hurt you anymore, I promise."


I fell asleep in Wildcat's arms.

Once I woke up, I saw Wildcat still hugging me. I noticed what I was wearing. My bra? Huh, he must have dressed me. But I was wearing short sleeves. I hope he didn't see my scars. I looked for something long sleeved. I saw a sweater. I couldn't get up, though. Wildcat looked so peaceful. I slowly try to get up. Once I've got out of the bed, I get the sweater and put it on. I go downstairs into the kitchen. I get some eggs, toast, peanut butter, and some hash rounds.

I start cooking. I burned one piece of toast, but I didn't burn anymore than that. I hear footsteps come down the stairs. I quickly put the breakfast together and set two plate on the table and start eating.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I smell something burning. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. (Y/N) is eating at the table and smiling at me. I sit down next to her and start to eat. 

"Hey (Y/N)?" I ask

"Yeah?" she responds

"I just wanted to know...what were you dreaming about last night?"

(Your P.O.V.)

"I-I-I had a nightmare."

"About what?"

"It was a flashback. When I was 13, my father....he-he-he....raped me."

Wildcat nodded and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and cried a little bit.

"Is that why you have these?" he rolled up my sleeves and my cuts were exposed. I gasped.

"Listen, I don't want you hurting yourself anymore, I'm here to protect you, you're safe." he said and gave me a hug.

I texted Alex:

Me: Did you hear what happened?

Alex: Yeah! I'm so sorry! Can I get anything for you?

Me: Can you get my stuff?

Alex: Sure! C u in a little bit

Alex is a master thief. One time she stole a really expensive jewel and she still hasn't gotten caught.

After about half an hour, the doorbell ring. It was Alex. She had a gym bag with her.

"How did you get this address?" I asked

"Oh! I got your friend, Nogla's number last night."

"Oooooooooh!!!!!" I teased

"I gotta go. Love ya!"

"Love you too!"

I put my bag on the couch and went back in the kitchen. My phone buzzed.

Vanoss: Sorry about last night, do you want to go out with me and Lui tonight. We are going to get a few drinks. Bring Wildcat too.

"Hey, do you want to go out tonight with Vanoss and Lui tonight?" I asked Wildcat

"Sure." he said, with a mouth full of toast and peanut butter 

I texted Vanoss

Me: Aight. When are you picking us up

Vanoss: Around 9

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