In my own house?

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(Your P.O.V)
I kiss Lui. We start making out. He starts unbuttoning my shirt. When it's unbuttoned, he starts rubbing my boobs. While kissing me and rubbing my boobs, he starts rubbing his erection against me, still clothed. I start moaning. I needed him. NOW. I take off his hoodie and his shirt. He takes off my bra. He starts making his way down to my crouch. I moan louder as he finds my sweet spot and starts messing with it.
(Wildcat's P.O.V)
I had a huge headache. I wake up in my house on the couch. I can hear really loud moaning and screaming coming from upstairs. (Y/N)?
I run as quick as I can upstairs.
(Your P.O.V)
As Lui makes his way down, I moan louder and louder. He gets all the way down and takes off my pants and underwear. Lui licks my clit and messed with it. I moan so loud that it sounded like a scream. He started putting one finger after the next inside me. It hurt but felt so good.
"L-Lui! I'm g-gonna c-" I moaned out. He took out his fingers and sat up. I whined a bit and he then took off his pants. Just then the bedroom door flies open.
It was Wildcat. I just laid there, staring at him. And he stared at us.
"Uhhh..." Lui said
"Are you serious? You come into my house and try to screw one of my best friends?" Wildcat says
"W-Wildcat." Lui stutters
"IN MY OWN HOUSE!?!" Wildcat shouts
"Wildcat please." I say
"Get out." He whispers
"I said, get out." He says, "I-I just need some time alone"

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