Another attempt

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(Your P.O.V.)
I woke up at Lui's house and got dressed. Lui agreed to play GTA 5 with me so I ran home to get on my XBox. I turned it on and one of my old friends was on. His name was Jacob.
"Wazzuuuuuuup!" He yelled as I got on.
"Wazzuuuuuuuup!" I yelled back and told him to join my party with Lui and everyone else.
We played for hours. In one of our heists, we had to steal a jet and I shared it with Jacob. I was driving. I wasn't paying attention and crashed the jet into a mountain.
"God, (Y/N), you're such a screw up!" Jacob yelled at me. I took it as a joke and giggled a little.
Everyone was silent. We restarted the heist and I crashed again. What Jacob said next hurt me more than ever.
"Jeez, go kill yourself!" He screamed at me.
"I-I" I stuttered
Everyone was silent again
"I KNOW I'M A SCREW UP! YOU DON'T HAVE TO RUB IT IN!" I screamed at the Mic.
"I-I'm done" I said and got off the game.
I ran into my bathroom and stared into the mirror.
"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?" I screamed at myself and punched my mirror. It broke into a thousand pieces and cut my feet a little. My knuckles started to bleed. I sat in the corner of my bathroom and cried. I lifted my,head and stared at the broken glass. I picked up a very sharp piece and stared at it. Then dropped it. I ran out of the bathroom and write a note.
Once I was done I took it into the bathroom and set it on the counter. I took a deep breath and picked the piece of glass again. I cut it super deep across my wrist. It hurt really badly but I didn't care. I cut more very deep cuts until I had no more power to lift my arm.
(Wildcat's P.O.V)
Everyone flipped the fuck out on the kid that was friends with (Y/N).
"What the he'll is wrong with you?!" Yelled Lui
"Don't you know what she's been through?!" Screamed Vanoss
"How would you like it of someone told you to go kill yourself!?" I yelled.
The kid immediately logged off and I did too. I tried to get to (Y/N)'s house as fast as I could. I was in such a rush, I dropped my keys multiple times before actually starting my car. I raced as fast as I could to (Y/N)'s house.
Her door was locked. I kicked it open.
"(Y/N)?!" I yelled. I ran all around the house, trying to find her.
I saw her bathroom light on and sprinted over. There was broken glass on the floor and a huge pool of blood. In the corner was (Y/N), her arm full of blood. Her eyes were almost closed. I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her arm.
"I-I'm sorry." She said very faintly
I cried hard and pulled out my phone to call 911.
"Don't close your eyes." I said
"Fuck, please, don't close your eyes, please." I begged her
I cradled her and kept saying, "Please don't close your eyes."
I heard to ambulance arrived and I looked at (Y/N). Her eyes we're closed.

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