I promise

217 7 14

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I arrived at the hospital and EVERYONE was there. Nogla, Mini, Moo, Vanoss, Alex, Basically, Delirious, and..Terrorizer?

I stormed over to him.

"You're the reason why we are all here." I said

"I-I know" he said

I took no hesitation to punch him.

"If you know then why the hell are you here!" I yelled

He got mad and we had a full out brawl. Terrorizer was on top of me and beat the living shit out of me. I manged to flip him over and slap him.

"STOP!" I heard a girl say

I turned and saw (Y/N), in wheelchair. She looked half dead. She had a cast on her left arm and right leg. Her head was bandaged and full of blood. Her face was full of scars and blood. Everyone raced to her. She held out her arm, telling everyone to stop. A nurse rolled her over to Terrorizer and I.

"Please...stop." she said faintly

"(Y-Y/N)" Terrorizer and I said

"I-I don't like seeing you guys f-fighting."

I was suprised she survived. I got off of Terrorizer.

"I-I know what you said w-wasn't t-true, right?" she asked Terrorizer

"No, it wasn't." he said

She motioned Terrorizer to come towards her. As soon as he got near, she slapped him.

"P-Please don't d-do that again." she said, faintly

"I-I'm sorry." he said, rubbing his cheek.

"I'm so glad you're alive, girly!" Alex hugged (Y/N), gently

"Y-Yeah." she said

After a while of visiting, the nurse took (Y/N) back to her room. I followed.

"I-I can't leave you." I told her once she got into her bed. Everyone else came into the room with pillows and blankets.

"SLEEPOVER!" Nogla yelled

(Y/N) giggled a little and tried to reach the table right next to her. She couldn't reach it.

"You need something?" I asked

"M-My pills" she said

I grabbed her pill bottles. She like 50 of them!

"Which one do you need?" I asked, reading the bottles.

"I need one of those, two of those, and one of those." she said, pointing to different bottles.

I gave her the pills and she sat up. She grabbed the pills out of my hand and leaned to get her glass of (drink).

"C-Can you grab that?" she asked

"Sure!" I said, grabbing the glass and giving it to her.


"No problem."

"Guess what I have!" Delirious yelled to everyone.

"What?" Nogla asked

Delirious pulled out a plastic bag from his sleeping bag and a bunch of Sharpies fell out

"SHARPIES!" He yelled very loudly

Everyone grabbed one and carefully signed (Y/N)'s casts.

All of a sudden, (Y/N) grunted really hard.

"What's wrong?" asked Lui

"Y-You're o-on m-my l-leg." she said, very faintly

Vanoss leaned to heard her and she screamed.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?!" Alex asked

"V-V-V-VANOSS! M-M-M-MOVE!" she yelled at to top of her lungs

Vanoss immediately pushed away and (Y/N) calmed down.

"Who wants snacks!?" Alex ran over to her bag and pulled out a bunch of candy, soda, and other sweets.

"YEAH! Do you have gummy worms?" Lui asked in his childish voice

"Just for you!" Alex pulled out a huge bag of gummy worms

"YAY!" Lui exclaimed

We all sat at (Y/N)'s bed and talked and ate. After everyone was done and most of the food was gone, Lui, Basically, Moo, Vanoss, Terrorizer, Nogla, Alex, Mini, and Delirious fell asleep. I climbed in bed with (Y/N).

"W-What are you doing?" she asked

"I want to sleep here." I said, wrapping my arms around her.

She giggled faintly.

"Can you promise me, please, that this will never EVER happen again." I asked

"I promise." she said and we both fell asleep

A/N: YOU SURVIVED! (duh). How do you like it? What do you guys want to happen next? Let me know in the comments below. Thank you for all of your support and I will see you all later. STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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