The 4th of July

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up and Terrorizer wasn't by me. On the floor was a pair of clothes and a note. It said,

Dear (Y/N),

I had to go out and some stuff but I will be home in a little bit. Later tonight, we are grilling and inviting the guys over. I bought you a new outfit for tonight. Do your makeup and hair and put it on. Look pretty.


I giggled and picked up the outfit. It was a dark blue crop top, high-waist shorts, and a pair of black Converse. I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I was a mess. My hair was everywhere and I looked like I hadn't slept in years. I put the clothes on the counter and turned on the shower. I jumped in and got clean. When I got out, I looked at my phone. 4:45? I slept for a while. I was really tired. I put my outfit on and did my makeup. I look WAY better. Since Bryan had long hair, he was loads for brushed and hair dryers. I dried my hair, brushed it, and put it in a messy French braid.

I went downstairs to find something to eat. I opened the fridge and saw some food for me. It was pancakes, sausage, and bacon. YUMMY! I looked for my pills in cabinet. Nothing. I looked through my purse. Nothing. I hope things don't get too out of control. I put it in the microwave and looked at my phone.

2 New massages from Vanoss crew group chat.

Vanoss: (Y/N)! Please answer!

Wildcat: (Y/N)! Please call us!

I took my food out and sat at the table. I opened a video chat for everyone and they all answered except for Terrorizer.

"(Y/N)! You answered!" Wildcat said

"Yeah." I answered, with a mouth full of bacon

"Is Terrorizer with you?" Vanoss asked

"I like your hair." Moo said

"Thanks!" I said

"(Y/N)!" Lui shouted

"No! He's not." I said

"Where is he?" Wildcat asked

"He had to do some stuff"

"Can we come over?" Nogla said, with a creepy smile on his face. Delirious chuckled

"Sure." I said

"Be there in a sec" Basically said

"Bye!" Delirious said



I finished my breakfast and cleaned my plate. Afterwards, I sat on the couch and played GTA 5. There was a knock on the door. I didn't get up and the door opened. Everyone came in.

"WAZZUUUUUUUP!" Wildcat shouted

"I SMELL PUNCAKE!" said Vanoss

Delirious chuckled and I laughed at his chuckle. Nogla sat next to me.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked

We both ran upstairs and into the room.

"It smells like sex in here." he said. I laughed

We sat on the bed.

"So, what do you need?" I asked

"Listen, you know Alex? Well, I was going to her house last night and I knocked on the door. No one answered. I looked threw the window and.." A tear rolled down his face, "She was fucking some guy on her couch."

I gasped and gave him a hug,"I'm sorry."

Nogla started crying. I let go and wiped on of his tears, "I'll talk to her. And you'll find someone better."

"Thank you, (Y/N)." He sniffed

I gave him one more hug and we went downstairs. Everyone was in the candy that me and Terrorizer bought last night. They all stopped and looked dead at me. I laughed and they slowly ate more.

The door opened. Terrorizer walked in.

"I'm home people!" he shouted

He walked into the kitchen and put some grocery bags on the kitchen floor. Terrorizer walked over to me and pulled me to him. We made-out a little.

"Get a room, you two." Lui said

"Later." Terrorizer said

"EWWWW!" Lui said in a little kid voice

We all laughed and Terrorizer went outside to started the grill. I brought out some chips, plates, and sides. Vanoss ran out to his car and came back with a stareo. I hooked up my phone and started blasting music


The food was done and everyone was sitting down eating. I went to the shack and got some gasoline and started a fire in the fireplace.

"S'mores people!" I shouted to everyone

Everyone came over and made s'mores.

After the party, I got out some fireworks and lit them. They shout out into the air and exploded. While everyone was amazed by it, Nogla came over to me and dragged me inside. The next thing I knew, we were making out, on the couch. My pills, I thought. I didn't take them. Then I blacked out.

(Nogla's P.O.V.)

I brought (Y/N) inside because I need to talk to her about Alex. She was looking down at the floor until we reached the couch. As soon as I opened my mouth, (Y/N) giggled and kissed me. We were making out. She let go and brought me upstairs, still giggling. She dragged me to the room that smelled like sex and threw me on the bed. She jumped on top of me and kissed me. I tried getting out. I ran to the door and (Y/N) pulled me back and tied me to the bed. I struggled to get out but I couldn't. (Y/N) giggled and undressed me. She licked my v-line and then took off my pants and boxers, revealing my throbbing member. She giggled more and wasted no time shoving me inside of her. I gasped at the sudden movement and she giggled more. (Y/N) started bouncing up and down. I groaned and shook my hips, trying to get her off but it was no use. She kept bouncing and moaning. I screamed for help but (Y/N) kissed me, trying to make me shut up. I jerked my head everywhere, trying to make her stop. But it was no use.

(Terrorizer's P.O.V.)

I looked around for (Y/N) but I couldn't find her. I looked inside. I heard jumping coming from upstairs. (Y/N)? I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door. No answer. The jumping sound stopped. I opened the door and saw (Y/N) on top of Nogla, he was tied up.

"Help me!" Nogla shouted.

Quickly, I grabbed (Y/N) off of Nogla and got him out.

"Run! And shut the door!" I yelled and he did so. I ran over to (Y/N) and tried to get her into clothes. She wouldn't let me. I finally got her into something. I had a spare pill in my pocket and pulled it out. (Y/N) kept moving her head. I sat on her and held her face. I opened her jaw and put the pill in the mouth. I slammed her jaw shut and she passed out instantly. I laid her on the bed and covered her up. I shut the door behind me and went downstairs. I made sure that there were more pills for (Y/N). I went outside and explained everything to the guys. They all understood.

"She needs to get help with that." Delirious said.

"I know." I said, "I just hope this never happens again."

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