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(Your P.O.V)

I heard a loud bang and someone fall to the floor. I pulled on my outfit and ran out the door. Delirious was on the floor, bleeding. No one else in sight. 

"Delirious!" I yelled

"You whore." I heard someone say

I looked up and Evan was standing in front of me with a gun pointed to me.

"Evan what the hell are you doing?" I said

"You slept with Delirious." he said pointing the gun to his head then back at me

"Stop!" I said


"You don't have to this."

"Stupid girl." he said and shot my left arm. I flew backwards and fell on the floor. As soon as I fell, everything went black.

My eyes opened. I saw a ceiling. I sat up. I was in Alex's house. In the padded room. I felt all over my arms, looking for my bullet wound. Nothing. Just a little stitch on my left shoulder.

"It was a dream." I said to myself

I went to the door and knocked on it. No answer. I looked through it. No one. I pounded on it. I felt my anger and insanity flow through my body. I got really pissed and started pounding on the door. I kept pounding and screaming. I screamed more until I couldn't breathe. I stopped and looked at my bloody hands.

"What's wrong with me?" I whispered to myself, "What happened? Why am I here?" 

I screamed and kept pounding. After a while, Terrorizer ran around the corner and saw me pounding. He opened the door. I didn't know what was going on and I freaked out. I tried punching him. Terrorizer grabbed my wrists. I leaned towards him and screamed in his face. I cried out loudly.

"Why am I here?! Get me out of here!" I cried out and started screaming. 

Terrorizer grabbed my wrists with one hand and pulled something out of his pocket. It was my pill. 

"No! Stop!" I yelled

He pushed the pill into my mouth and snapped my jaw shut. I passed out instantly.

(Alex's P.O.V.)

After Evan came to my house looking for (Y/N), I got a little worried. I got dressed and drove to Delirious's house. That's the last place I remember her being. When I arrived and got out of my car, I heard someone screaming then get cut off. I raced to the door and opened the door. (Y/N) was on top of Delirious, stabbing him. 

"(Y/N)! STOP!" I ran and pushed her off. 

I tackled her and grabbed her right wrist, where she was holding the knife. I hit her hand against the ground until she left go. She was covered in blood, her eyes were black, and her left arm was stabbed. I guessing Delirious was trying to defend himself. I had a spare pill in my pocket. I got it out. (Y/N) slapped it out of my hands. I jumped and got it. I sat on top of (Y/N) and held her arms down. She laughed like a maniac and yelled 'No' at me.

I got it into her mouth and closed it shut. She passed out. 

I got up and ran over to Delirious. He was a little conscious. 

"Delirious! Delirious!" I said, moving his head a little.

"Alex?" he said

"Delirious! I know what to do! You have to let me do this!" I said

He nodded. I ripped his shirt and saw all the wounds. He had tons. I got out my purse and my first aid kit. I tried to stitch as much as I cloud. I cleaned him up and tried getting him outside. I barely got him into the car. I ran back inside and got (Y/N). I got her inside and speeded to my house. I put (Y/N) in the padded room and called the guys to come over.

(Your P.O.V.) 

I woke up back in the padded room with a straight jacket on and my mouth had duct tape on it. I tried to sit up. I smacked against the door and sat next to it. I banged my head on the door over and over again. Whats wrong with me? I laid on the ground and cried until I feel asleep again.

I woke up with Alex standing over me. Behind her was Wildcat. I sat up.

"What's going on?" I asked

They looked at me, shocked. Alex looked at Wildcat then back at me. 

"Y-You tried killing Delirious." she said

My eyes widened, "No I didn't."

"What do you mean?" Alex said, "I stopped you."

"I don't know what's going on." I said, "When am I getting out of here?" 

They looked down at me "Sometime, (Y/N). Sometime..."

A/N: INTENSITY! INTENSITY! I had to add some! Anyways, thank you guys for your support and I will see you all later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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