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(Alex's P.O.V)

I told the guys to go home, but Nogla didn't. I didn't mind his company. We had a quiet sleepover in the room were (Y/N) was. After a while, Nogla and I got tired and fell asleep. 

I wasn't a heavy sleeper but Nogla was so it didn't take long for noises to wake me up. It was storming hard. (Y/N) was shaking and mumbling. I couldn't hear what she was saying, though. I jumped up and gave her a hug. She squirmed harder and her mumbles turned into slight screams. I let go and heard pounding downstairs. I quietly got up and tip-toed down the stairs. Someone was pounding hard on the door. I slowly walked over. I looked through the peephole, I could barely see. I saw a man wearing a dark hoodie with striped pants. I couldn't see his face so I didn't open the door. I just sat on my couch and stared at the door. After a few more pounds, the man stopped and my phone rang. It was Wildcat. I answered.

"Hello?" I asked

"Alex! I know yo bitch ass is behind the door, open up!" he yelled at me

I hung up the phone and calmly got up to open the door. When I twisted the door knob, Wildcat burst through the doors. 

"Is (Y/N) still here?" He asked. When he talked, it was fast. His face was red, he clothes were soaking wet, and he was panting.

"Yeah, she's upstairs, where else?" I said, pointing to the stairs.

He ran as fast as he could up the stairs. I followed. He burst through the door and woke up Nogla.

"The fuck, man, I'm trying to sleep." Nogla said

Wildcat said nothing when he saw (Y/N), shaking and pretty much screaming at this point. He gently shook her.

"(Y/N)," he said gently, "wake up. It's okay, I'm here."

(Y/N) didn't stop. Instead, she got more intense. She was jumping more fiercely and her screams were very loud.

"What's going on?" Nogla asked

"(Y/N) is terrified of thunder. The sound must be getting in her head." he said

Wildcat picked up (Y/N) and cradled her. He sat down and rocked back and forth like she was a baby. Slowly, she calmed down. Finally, she fell back asleep.

~2 Weeks later~

(Y/N) was walking and just fine after a few weeks. We went back to school and I drove her from now on.

(Your P.O.V.)

Some of my stab wounds still hurt but I still was alright to go places. I sold my house and moved in with Alex for the time being. I woke up very early every mourning to make breakfast for Alex and I. Today I made Alex's favorite. Blueberry waffles with a strawberry poptart in the middle, whipped cream, syrup, and orange juice. Alex must've smelt the food, because as soon as I was about to put it on the table, Alex came racing down the stairs as fast as she could. I ran to the stairs with the plate. As soon as Alex saw it, she fell don the stairs. Died laughing.

"It's not funny!" she yelled at me

I laughed and made my way back into the kitchen. I sat down the food and took a seat next to Alex. Alex inturrupted my first bite.

"WAIT!" she yelled, making me jump a mile high

"What? It took a while to make this perfect, I want to eat!" I yelled back

Alex took out her phone, "We have to take a picture!"

I stuck out my tongue and Alex had some whipped cream which she smeared on my face with her crossed eyes. We took the picture and posted it on twitter. The caption was: Hangin with my bestie! She made my favorite breakfast! Luv ya girly!

Immediately, people commented. Especially the guys.

I_AM_WILDCAT: I want some! All I got was toast!

Daithi_De_Nogla: Have fun you two!

Vanossgaming: YUMMY!

H2O_Delirious: I'm gonna kill you if you don't give me some!

Moo_Snuckel: I got no breakfast!

We laughed at the comments and dug our faces in our food. When we were done, we grabbed our bags and left for school. Alex drove this time. Once we got to school, we first looked for the guys. We saw Delirious, Wildcat, and Nogla. Nogla and Alex got into a make-out session.

"EWW!" Wildcat and I said with a disgusted look

They stopped and laughed.

"Where is everyone?" I asked

"Well, Lui, Moo, Marcel, Terrorizer, and Mini are in class. And Vanoss.....I think is around here somewhere." said Wildcat

Delirious walked me to first period, which was Social Studies. We were at the corner where I met Wildcat and Vanoss. I smiled at the sight until we turned the corner. What I saw made we pissed. It was Vanoss, making out with a random girl. Vanoss was against the wall, enjoying it. I turned red from rage. I was going to kick her ass. But I couldn't. This was a school. Tears rolled down my face as I covered my mouth with both of my hands. Delirious saw me and his face turned more red than mine. He turned me to his face. He bent to my height and wiped my tears.

"I know a different way to class." he said, kissing my cheek

I nodded and followed him to the other way to class.

After school, I went home with Delirious. Tears rolled down my face as I thought about it on the way home. Delirious took one hand off the steering wheel and put it on my knee. He rubbed his thumb on me. I cried out.

"I though h-he actually liked me." I sobbed

"Listen, he doesn't deserve you, it's his lost." Delirious said

"T-Thanks." I wiped my tears.

Once we got to his house, I noticed it wasn't so big as the other guy's house. It was a small place. Not too big. Delirious got out and opened my door so I could get out. Inside his house wasn't big either. He had a big T.V. and a lot of game consoles and a computer. he had a nice kitchen but no upstairs. Just one bedroom. I laid my stuff down and turned to Delirious. I couldn't help but lift his mask a little and kiss him. It wasn't long but it felt nice. Once I let go, an evil smile took over Delirious' face.

"You know what we have to do now." Delirious said, pulling his mask down

"What?" I ask and we both had the same idea.

We spoke at the same time, "Bitch goin die."

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