Bitch Goin Die

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A/N: Just some music that might suit the mood of the story :3

(Your P.O.V.)

We smirked at each other and Delirious hugged me tight. We got into the kitchen and looked into the fridge. For a small house, he had a big fridge. We picked out some snacks and chilled on the couch. We played C.O.D 3 and talked about how to kill this bitch.

" you know who this bitch is?" I asked

"She looked like Britney Johnson," Delirious said, launching a U.A.V and tracking the other team, "But I couldn't really recognize her face. It was buried in Vanoss's face."

"What a stupid last name." I giggled

Delirious laughed and got a 5-kill streak. We won the game 100 to 34. I got 43 kills and 6 deaths while Delirious got 45 kills and 7 deaths. He was pissed that I got last kill.

"You son of a bitch!" he yelled and slammed down his controller on the floor

I laughed so hard. It made Delirious even more pissed that I got a silent trick-shot. And that it re-played in slow motion. I put my head in his lap.

"You know what we need to do now?" he asked, looking down at me

I raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"WE NEED TO GO SHOPPING!" he squealed like a little girl and chuckled

I sat up and made my way to the door. I was stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him. He put his thumb on my chin and his index finger underneath it.

"Can I get a kiss?" he winked at me and lifted his mask a little.

I rolled my eyes and leaned in to kiss him. His soft lips pressed against mine. Heat rushed through my body. Delirious licked my bottom lip, wanting an entrance. I didn't budge and pulled away.

"Later." I whispered and turned to open the door

I walked out to the car and Delirious ran over to me. He smacked my ass and ran over to his door. I gasped and got into the car. Once Delirious got inside, I snacked down on his mask. He put his hands on his face.

"Ugh!" he grunted

I laughed and Delirious put the keys into the ignition. He turned the car on and turned to look through the back. Once we were going, Delirious sped up faster and faster, scaring the living shit out of me.

"STOP!" I yelled

Delirious laughed like an idiot and sped up more. Finally, he slowed down. We pulled up to the mall. Delirious did a doughnut in the parking lot before we actually parked, scaring me even more.

"You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!" I screamed when Delirious turned the car off.

We got out and I fell to the ground, "LAND! SOLID LAND!" I whined out

Delirious got out and helped me up. We laughed until we got inside. Delirious saw Buckle and pulled me inside.

"Isn't this expensive?" I asked

"Dude, I make money off stupidity. This is fine. Buy whatever. I got it." he said

"Are you sure?" I asked


Delirious pulled out an outfit similar to his. A white t-shirt, sky blue hoodie, and black pants. He gave the clothes to me and pushed me towards a dressing room.

"Go on!" he said

I got in and closed the door.

"Don't I need a mask?" I asked

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