The Dream (Yaoi Smut)

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up to my phone going nuts.

2 missed calls and 1 message from: Alex


I forgot I had school. I had taken so much time off from everything happening. And the teachers gave us a really long spring break. I turned and cuddled Wildcat. He started mumbling in his sleep.

"E-Evan S-Stop. N-Not Th-There! Ouch! Please! E-Evan! N-Ngh!"

I giggled a little and closed my eyes.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

I was sitting on my couch, watching T.V..  There was a knock on my door. I opened it, hoping it was (Y/N). It was Evan.

"H-Hey! Can I talk to you?" he asked

"I don't know, you fuck? Can you?" I chuckled

"Ha ha."

I invited him in and we stood in front of the couch.

"So...." I said

"I-I don't know how to say this....." he looked down at his feet


"I-I really like you." he looked up at me

"What?!" I blushed

"I want you." he said, putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me onto the couch and laying on top of me.

"E-Evan?" I blushed as Evan started kissing my neck

"I need you." He mumbled while still kissing me

I blushed madly when Evan pulled my shirt over his head and kissed my chest. My sweet spot was right above my collar bone. Evan found that real fast. I moaned a little when he found it.

"Found it." he smirked and sucked my sweet spot.

"E-Evan." I moaned

Evan took off my shirt and licked my v-line. It tickled. I twitched a little and Evan licked softer, driving me crazy. I felt myself getting really hard. I hit against Evan's chest.

"Someone's excited." he said in a low voice. I blushed madly and tried taking off Evan's shirt. Once I got it off, Evan slowly pulled my underwear. My dick jumped up and Evan smirked at me. He teased me little by grabbing my dick and licking me softly.

"C'mon E-Evan!" I moaned

"Whatever you say." he said and shoved me into his mouth. I gasped as he quickly bobbed his head up and down. He rubbed the parts he couldn't get to. He swirled his tongue around me, driving me nuts. I felt it. I was moaning so hard I didn't give a warning to Evan and came inside his mouth. I saw his cheeks swell out and his eyes widened. My eyes widened when he closed his eyes and swallowed it all. He sat up and took off his pants.

"Give me a warning next time." he said, wiping his mouth.

Evan took his underwear and his dick jumped to his, bellybutton? I got scared. He positioned himself between my legs.

"Ready?" he asked

"Wait!" I said

"What?" he asked

I pushed him down and grabbed a hold of his dick. I licked it all over very slowly. Evan grabbed a hold of my hair and pushed my head up and down very fast. I choked a little. Evan kept going until I know he was about to cum. He pushed my head all the way down and came inside my mouth. I choked but was able to swallow it all. I sat up, panting. Evan laid me down again and flipped me over. He was right next to my entrance.

"Ready now?" he whispered into my ear

Before I could say anything, Evan shoved himself inside of me.

"E-Evan S-Stop. N-Not Th-There! Ouch! Please! E-Evan! N-Ngh!" I moaned out

Evan only went deeper and quicker.

"W-Wildcat!" he grunted

"E-Evan!" I groaned

Evan hit my g-spot super hard.

"UGH! Right there!" I moaned very loudly.

He hit it over and over again. Evan grunted with every thrust. Then, unexpectedly, Evan came inside of me.

"UGH!" I orgasimed

I felt his cum drip from my ass.

"No warning?" I panted

"Nope." he could barely speak.

Evan fell next to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"If you tell anyone, I will never forgive you dumb bastard." I said

"I wont."

That was when I heard (Y/N)'s voice.

"Wildcat?" she asked

I woke up right next to her.

"I heard you." she said

"About what?" I blushed

"You and Evan." she had a creepy smile on her face

"S-Shut up!" I stuttered.

She giggled and we fell back to sleep

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