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(Your P.O.V)

The next day, I got up and got ready for school. I put my hair in a messy bun. I did my makeup and put on short jean shorts and a (f/c) crop top. I ran downstairs and saw breakfast on the table. there was a note.


I hope you have a good mourning. I went to the guys' house to eat. I made you some breakfast. LUV YA!


I ate the breakfast and got out to my car to go to school. I drove up to the drive way and got out to lock my doors. Before I could look for my keys, I felt a cloth go over my mouth and I passed out.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

The guys and I were waiting by the door for (Y/N). She wasn't there. I looked around the parking lot and saw her car.

"She's probably inside." said Vanoss

We ran inside and got to class. (Y/N) usually sits in front of me in math class but she wasn't there. I started getting worried.

At lunchtime, I called her. No answer. I called her again. No answer. I ran over to the guys.

"Guys! I don't think (Y/N) is at school." I said

"She's probably somewhere around here."

We looked around the school. Mini, Vanoss, Delirious, Lui, and Nogla checked classrooms. Me, Terrorizer, Marcel, and Moo checked outside. We couldn't find her. We all gathered in the lunchroom at our table. I got a call from a random number.

"Hello?" I answered

"Is this Wildcat?" asked the man on the phone. He sounded familiar. 

"Yes." I said and put my phone down on the table and turned it on speaker

"Good. You probably put me on speaker. Heh. Now that you all are listening, I want you to know your little girlfriends is with us. No need to worry. All me are going to do is take our advantage, hurt her, and probably kill her. Nevermind. You can worry now." he hung up the phone

"(Y/N)!" yelled Vanoss, "We have to find her!"

"Delirious. Go find Alex. Vanoss, Lui, Nogla, come with me to the office. The rest of you, go home and get ready for a heist." I said

"Got it." they all said and got up to go to their destination.

Vanoss, Lui, and I ran to the office and talked to the principal. She and I are best friends.

"Hey, Betsy. Can you do me a favor and give me a list of kids that were gone today?" I asked with a puppy dog face. Vanoss and Lui joined me.

She didn't even look up from her work and slid a piece of paper to us. 

"Thanks." I said and we rushed out to find Delirious.

As soon as we left to office, Alex came running down the hallway and ran into Nogla, knocking him over. They stared at each other. Alex was on top of Nogla. They giggled.

"Kay, C'mon, this is not a date night. We gotta go." said Vanoss

Alex giggled and got off Nogla. "Okay, what's going on?" 

"we'll explain on the way." I said and we rushed outside.

"Who's car are we taking?" I asked

"Let's take mine, it's really fast." said Lui

We ran to Lui's car and got in. Lui hooked up his phone to the radio and turned on some music. It was 'The Wheels on the Bus'

"The Wheels on the Bus go round and round! Round and round! Round and Round!" Lui sang in his high voice. Alex sang with him.

I unplugged his phone and played my music.

We all sang along to it and the rest of my playlist for the hole ride home. Once we arrived at my house, I opened the door and in my living room was to rest of the crew. They all looked ready to fight. They all were wearing dark colors and face paint under their eyes.

Mini got out some paint, "C'mon guys, you gotta look ready." he said and put some paint on his thumb then put it on our cheeks.

I got out the document the Principal. There were a couple people missing.

"(Y/N), Jake, Bradly, and Ryan." I read out loud.

"Jake, Bradly, and Ryan are all best friends. They all must be in on it." said Moo

"Okay here's the plan." said Vanoss, "Let's gather at my house, I have a secret office and a weapons for us. Nogla, Moo, Mini, Alex, and Terrorizer stay there and keep track down (Y/N), navigate us to her, and keep track on where we are. Wildcat, Me, Lui, and Delirious will find (Y/N) and kill the guys who took her. If we need help, Terrorizer, Mini, get weapons and help us. Everyone that comes with me gets a walkie talkie. There will be one left at the office for you guys. Got it? Let's go. "

We got into the cars and drove to Vanoss's house. When we walked up to the door, Vanoss moved his door bell and pushed a button underneath it. His front door shifted to a new door and Vanoss hurried us inside. He locked the door behind us.

There were weapons on the walls, computer screens everywhere, and outfits. I picked up an RPG.

"Yeah! Let's go!" I yelled

"Whoa! That's for later!" Vanoss grabbed the RPG from me

Alex was like a kid in a candy store.  She screamed a little. She jumped to the computers and got straight to work. She pulled out a random USB cord and hooked it up to her phone. She typed some stuff and clicked around on all of the different screens. All of us were in the back of the room, jaw dropped to the floor. Alex straightened her glasses and clicked some more. Until, on all of the screens, popped up a big tracking screen with a red dot in the top right-hand corner.

"Found her." she said and turned to us

Alex saw our jaws dropped to the floor.

"What?" she blushed, "I'm grade A in coding."

We laughed. Nogla walked over to Alex and leaned towards her. Alex wrapped her arms around her and kissed him.

"Not a date night!" yelled Vanoss

They pulled away from the kiss and Alex motioned the guys that were supposed to help her to come over. They grabbed a chair and leaned towards the computer.

Alex opened her phone. Her phone spoke to her.

"To open this phone, please speak your name." it said

"Alexandrite Masters." she spoke into the phone

"That is the awesomest name I have ever heard!" I exclaimed

Alex blushed a little.

"Okay Guys! Grab some guns, ammo, and snacks and let's go!" Vanoss threw a Walkie Talkie to Alex.

We packed some guns and ran out to the car. We started driving and I turned on the Walkie Talkie.

"Navigate us, Alexandrite." he spoke

A/N: Cliff hanger! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Well, you're kidnapped. Next chapter will be out soon! Thanks you all of your support and I will see you all later. STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!

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