Forgive me

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(Your P.O.V.)

I was half asleep when Vanoss packed my clothes and brought me into his car. I could barely hear what he said to Wildcat. Vanoss put me in his car and drove to a store.

"Do you want to come in?" He turned to me

I nodded and he got out and opened my door. He picked me up and brought me inside.  He got a cart and put me in a cart. He walked through some isles and got some food for dinner. 

"Do you like pizza?" he asked

"Yeah." I said softly. 

He walked in front of me and kissed my cheek, "Listen, you're going to be alright. It's his lost." He whispered in my ear and gave me a hug. 

We got some more food, paid for it, and put it all in the car. Vanoss picked me up and put me in the car. I blucked myself and watched through the rear-view mirror as Vanoss put the food in the trunk. A little tear fell down my face as he shut the trunk. I got out of the car and ran around the car. I gave Evan a long hug and started to cry. He hugged me back whispered, "I want you to be okay, can you do that?"

I shook my head no and he hugged tighter. After a while he put me back into the car and climbed in. We drove home. Evan picked me up and put me in his head before he got the food from the car. I laid there, staring at the wall. I heard the front door close and Evan came into the room. He laid right next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I turned to face him and curled up into a ball. I fell asleep and he did too.

(Terrorizer's P.O.V.)

I was so upset. Once I got home, tears rolled down my face. "What the hell were you thinking? You know she can't help it!" I said to myself

I kicked a box across the room. My camera flew out. I picked it up and turned it on. I looked through the pictures.  It was of my and (Y/N). More tears fell down my face. I turned it off and dropped it. I sat on my bed and buried my face in my hands.

(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up and looked through my luggage to see what Vanoss packed for me. I right away saw the present Terrorizer threw at me. I took it out and opened it. It was a pair of keys and a note that said 'I know it might seem like I'm spoiling you, but I don't care <3. Look in your backyard ;-)'

I broke into tears. Vanoss heard me and woke up. He sat behind me and hugged me. He read the note.

"Do you want to go back?" He yawned

"You're tired, I'll get a ride form someone else." I said

Vanoss laid his head on my back and fell asleep I woke him up and got him into the bed. I went downstairs and opened the door. Wildcat was standing there.

"Oh, hi!" He said and gave me a hug, "Please don't do that again."

"I can't promise that, but I'll try." I whispered

He nodded. "Can you give me a ride to my house real quick?" I asked

"Sure!" He said.

I got into his car and he drove me to my house.

-Little Timeskip-

I walked to my backyard. I was shocked to see a motorcycle. Terrorizer was standing behind it, hold a sign that said 'Please forgive me!'

I smile and cried tears of joy. I ran over to him. "Thank you!" I said

"No problem."

"I really am sorry." he said

"No, it's my fault." I said

Wildcat came around the corner.

"Can I talk to Terrorizer alone?" He asked

"Yeah." I said and went back to the car and played games on my phone. I starred at the motorcycle that was pretty much in front of me.

(Wildcat's P.O.V.)

As soon as (Y/N) was gone, I pushed Terrorizer down and stood over him.

"What that fuck do you think you were doing?" I asked, in a harsh voice


"You know she has enough problems as it is," I said, "and you had to put the cherry on top of it all."

"Listen, it's mostly her fault, she cheated."

"I-I can't believe you!" I said and put my foot on his throat. He put his hands on my foot and tried to lift it.

I heard crying and the motorcycle start. I ran over and (Y/N) was driving off. I saw a note and picked it up. I started my car and chased after her, reading the note on the way.

Dear Wildcat,

I love you to the bottom of my heart. But after I heard that it was my fault, I realized, everything is. So to make the world happier, I'll leave


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