Back to normal/Sleepover!!!

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(Your P.O.V.)

I woke up in a padded room. I was at Alex's house. I looked down and I was naked. I found my clothes and put them on. My crouch hurt. Badly. What happened? Alex opened the door and came in. She shut the door behind her and walked over to me.

"What happened?" I asked

"Well..." she said, "you didn't take your pill and-"

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, and you fucked Wildcat, Vanoss, and Terrorizer."

My eyes widened. That's why my crouch hurts.

Terrorizer opened the door and sat right next to me. I gave him a big hug. "I'm sorry." I whispered and let a tear run down my face. Alex left us alone and covered the window with the blinds.

"It's alright. It's not like I didn't want it. At first, yes, I wanted you to stop, but after a while, I started to enjoy it."

"Really?" I sniffed


"Do you want to come over to my place tonight?" he asked

"Sure!" I said


I got a new outfit because the other was really wet. I walked to Terrorizer's house in black basketball shorts, galaxy Vans, tanktop, and a very baggy (F/C) hoodie. I knocked on the door and Terrorizer opened.

"You ready?" he asked

"For what?" I asked

"C'mon!" he said, excitedly.  He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the car.

He drove to a store. He opened my door and picked me up over his shoulder. I started laughing.

"P-Put me d-d-downnnn!!" I laughed out. Terrorizer laughed too. I slapped his butt over and over again. We walked into the store and got a cart. He put me in the cart like a child, my legs hanging over the edge.
 We run through the isles. We stop in the candy isle.

"What do you want?" Terrorizer asks

"GET EVERYTHING!" I said. He grabbed pretty much every type of candy and threw them in the cart with me. We ran down more isles and got marshmallows, cereal, soda, and ice cream. We also got some alcohol. We payed for it all and ran out the the car.

Once we got home, we made rootbeer floats and decorated them with candy. I had gummy worms, gummy bears, and loads of chocolate. I had no clue what Terrorizer had. He had so much candy that I didn't know. We ate and sat on the couch and played Gmod. We drank drink after drink and got super wasted.

"I really liiiiiike youuuuuu" I said

"Meeeeee toooooo." he said

"YYYYYYou arrrrreeee reallly goood att pleaaasing meee" he said

"Yooou tooo!" I said

We smirked at each other and then started making out. Terrorizer picked me up and ran into his room. He laid me on his bed and took off his shirt. I drooled for his six pack. I took off my hoodie and tanktop and pulled Terrorizer towards me. He kissed my neck, trying to find my sweet spot. When he found it, he sucked it hard.

"T-Terrorizer." I moaned out

"Call me Bryan." He said

He took off my bra and messed with my nipples, sucking and rubbing them. I moaned and pulled on his (kind of) long, dark hair. I let go when he stopped. He took off my shorts and saw that I wasn't wearing underwear.

"Were you planning on sleeping with me?" he joked

"No!" I blushed

He laughed a little and took off his pants, revealing a huge, throbbing boner under his boxers. I got real excited. Bryan moved my legs over his shoulders and inserted his tongue and played with my clit. I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold in my moans. Bryan then stopped and looked up at me.

"Don't be scared, I love hearing your voice." he said and continued

He purposefully stuck 2 fingers inside of me, trying to make me moan. It worked.

"B-Bryan!" I moaned, "I-I-"

He stopped. I whined from lack of contact but then I sat up. My phone started ringing. It was Vanoss. He was calling but I just turned my phone off and continued.

I teasingly licked his six pack and his v-line slowly. With an occasional little rub on his erection. I was so ready. I needed it. I could tell Bryan did too. He moaned my name over and over again. Wanting for me to move down. I finally did. I took off his boxers, revealing his huge, throbbing member. My (E/C) eyes widened. In fear. He was WAY bigger than Vanoss!

"Don't be scared, alright?"

"Alright" I took a deep breath and licked the top of his head

"C-C'mon, (Y/N)!" I knew he really wanted me. So I gave him what he wanted.

I put as much of his dick as I could fit in my mouth. Bryan gasped and took a hold of my (H/C) hair. I went deeper until I gagged a little. I sucked real hard, making him moan a lot. Then, when I got used to it, I bobbed my head up and own on him. He moved my head himself sometimes, too. I went all the way down and Bryan moaned really loudly.

"(Y-Y/N)! I-I-I-"

I stopped and laid on the bed. Bryan laid over me.

"I can't take it anymore!" he said and shoved himself in me

I arched my back and got used to him really fast. I wrapped my arms around him. I could tell he was excited because he was going really fast and really deep. Pretty much pounding the hell out of me. I grabbed his hair.

"B-Bryan!" I orgasmed

Still pounding me, Bryan flipped me over and grabbed a hold of my waist. I jumped up and down.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Bryan screamed

"BRYAN!" I moaned loudly

And with one final, deep, hard, shot, Bryan came. I didn't, though. So I kept going. A couple more times and I finally came. I laid right next to Bryan, who I could tell was tired out. We both were full of sweat. We made out a little then Bryan fell asleep. I turned on my phone to see what Vanoss wanted.

My phone said, 2 new massages from: Vanoss

Vanoss: Hey! Where have you been? I thought we could hang out tonight?

Vanoss: Can you at least tell me were you are?

I answered back

Me: I'm having a sleep over with Terrorizer

Vanoss: WHAT?!

Me: Calm down! We wanted to hang out because I was sorry for what I did to him.

Vanoss: Did you guys....

Me: Maybe

I didn't answer anything after that and turned my phone off. I turned and dug my face into Bryan's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. 

(Vanoss's P.O.V.)

Maybe? What does that mean? I have no clue if she had sex with me just because she didn't have her pill or she just loved me. I guess she doesn't. I looked at a picture of her and got a boner. What the hell is wrong with me?

A/N: How was that? I know I have been blowing up this series with lemons, but I don't care. That's what I feel should happen. Give suggestions, what do you want to read? Lemme know in a comment below. I will see you all later. Stay sweet my peeps! :P

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