Blown Up

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HA! You thought I was going to stop the book!

(Your P.O.V)

I felt sick. When we arrived at the hospital, it was packed.

The doctors only let in a few people. Evan, Nogla, and I all went. Everyone waited out in the waiting room.

As soon as we walked into the room, we were immediately escorted out.

"I'm sorry. He's going into immediate surgery. You need to leave." Said the doctor.

Nogla wouldn't budge, "I'm not leaving." 

"Sir, you have to leave until we're done operating." He pushed Nogla out of the doorway and closed the doors.

"Please! Let me in!" Nogla pounded on the door.

"Sir, you have to go sit."  A nurse pushed on Nogla's chest until he sat down.

"He'll be fine." Trevor crossed his arms and his feet, "It happens all the time."

"When did you get here?" Wildcat asked.

"I'm everywhere." He got up, "Follow me." He grabbed Nogla's arm and pulled him outside.

"We shouldn't have become friends with you." Marcel was leaned against the wall.

"Excuse me?" I stood up from my chair.

"You have only caused trouble for us!" Marcel yelled, "You stabbed Delirious multiple times, almost killing him, you've heartbroken everyone by your suicide attempts, you make everyone feel bad for you because you were raped at 13 by your father, and, on top of all of that, you're such a little whore for sleeping with every one of us!" 

I couldn't breathe.

(Alex's P.O.V)

No one said anything. We all knew it was true.

"And now our other friend is on the verge of dying and the other is in tears. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Marcel screamed to the top of his lungs. I swear I could see the steam come from his ears.

"Marcel," Delirious stood up.

"Look what she did to you!" Marcel pointed to his stomach, "How could you just FORGIVE her!?"

"Please calm down." Evan made Delirious sit back down.

"You should be in a mental hospital." Marcel had a death glare in his eyes, "Or prison. Why do you think Evan even tried to get an actual girlfriend? Cause all you do is try to kill yourself if someone doesn't sleep with you!"

(Y/N) started to cry.

"Don't even try to cry! Cause all you're going to do is cry, leave, and try to kill yourself again. God, I wish we never even met you!" Marcel looked around at everyone's pale faces, "Someone had to say it." He walked out.

Sorry for the very short chapter! I don't want anyone to dislike Marcel (BasicallyIDoWrk). He is my favorite out of the bunch. I just wanted to let it out. I know this series is messed up but I promise I will try to make it better. Anyways, that you guys so much for all of your support and I will talk to you later...STAY SWEET MY PEEPS!


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