Clark Kent x Reader

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Up next: Justice League x Younger Reader

Later: Tim Drake x Reader Part 2

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was waiting on my best friend, Clark Kent, to come pick me up. Unfortunately, my car had broken down and I had no other way of getting home. It was starting to get dark out, and I really hoped that Clark would be able to give me a ride.
  I let out a sigh of relief, when I saw his familiar, blue truck pull over on the side of the road. Carefully, Clark jumped down and closed his driver's side door. When he made it to me, I immediately pulled him in for a hug.

  Clark hugged back and rubbed my back saying,"I am sorry for taking so long, but Jimmy needed help on one of his assignments. Are you all right?"

  I blushed and let go of him saying,"Yeah, I am fine. Thanks for being my hero today. How much do you want? Here, you can have-"

  Clark cut me off by closing my hand and kindly saying,"No, you do not owe me anything, sweetheart. I chose to do this, and I will do anything to make sure you are okay. Understand?"

  I nodded, and my cheeks immediately heated up after Clark called me "sweetheart." I loved the way he made me feel so special, but how could THE Superman ever feel the same about me? I let out a dramatic sigh, which caused Clark to look at me in confusion. I chuckled nervously, and Clark helped me put my stuff inside his trunk.

  I thanked him, before I sat down in the passenger seat of his truck. Clark made sure I had everything, and then he quickly drove off.

  I giggled and said,"Kansas, are you speeding? That is so not like you. I expect that from Bruce Wayne, but not Clark Kent."

  Clark chuckled and tapped on the wheel quietly saying,"I understand why you would say that to me, Y/N. Though, I have missed talking to you. I did not have you waking me up and telling me that Superman could not miss writing articles for the famous Daily Planet!!"

  Clark tried to say that in my best voice, but it was not working.

  I giggled and closed his mouth saying,"All right, Kent. We get it. So, how is Metropolis doing?"

  Clark shifted in his seat, then he cleared his throat and said,"Metropolis is recovering, but it's doing well. Things are different, but nothing I cannot handle. Hey, Y/N?"

  I hmmed in response, and I felt soft lips on my left cheek.

  I smiled, and Clark slowly let go saying,"Thank you for watching over Metropolis, while I was away. It could not have been easy, but Bruce managed to push you through it. I guess I should thank him, too, huh?"

  I nodded and noticed something in Clark's blue eyes.

  Once Clark arrived at Mrs. Kent's house, I immediately put my hand over his and softly said,"I am sorry about what happened with Bruce. I know you guys did not see eye to eye, but I hope that you two are getting somewhere near a strong bond. It will take time, but I know you two will need each other in the future. For all that it is worth, Bruce spoke very highly of you, Clark. You may not believe me, but he would never say it himself."

  Clark nodded and looked over at me saying,"I appreciate your kindness and that you love to spend time with me, even though I am not always available. I know things have been hard for you, but maybe we could-"

  Clark stopped himself and looked away, and I smiled hoping he would ask me.

  "Kansas, just go ahead. I am right here."

  Clark nodded and said,"Will you help me with something for Jimmy? I could really use your help. What do you say?"

  My face dropped, and I gave him a weak smile saying,"Yeah, sure, Kent."

  Clark smiled, before he helped me inside. Clark headed up the stairs, while I sat down on the couch and hugged my chest tightly.
  Tears poured down my face, because was I not good enough? Did I have something on my face? What am I not doing right?

  I heard footsteps, followed by a voice saying,"Darling, what's wrong?"

  I wiped my tears and quickly said,"Nothing, Clark, nothing. I...I just had something in my eye."

  Really? That's all I could come up with.

  Clark sat down beside me and removed my hands from my face saying,"What is really bothering you? I want to help you out. I am your best friend, remember?"

  I looked down and let my tears fall saying,"What is wrong with me, Clark? Is there something I am not doing right? The truth is: I...I love you. I have spent this whole time trying to deny it, but it is there. You never notice me, and I do not think you will ever see me that way. I am sorry if I am being irritating, but I want to be something more than friends."

  Clark made me look at him and stroked my cheek, before he kissed me softly. I was surprised but gladly kissed back and brought Clark closer to me.

  Clark held on to my waist, before he let go and said,"I...I love you, too, Y/N. I am sorry for making you feel that way, but I do think about you. Constantly."

  I blushed and hopefully said,"Really?"

  Clark smiled and leaned back in saying,"Really. I could use your help, though."

  I sniffed and said,"Sure thing, Superman."

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