Roy Harper x Reader

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Dedicated to Alexsus_Wilkinson

Up next: Batgirl x Male Child Reader

Later: Black Adam x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "Dad, have you seen Roy?"

  Dad shook his head and said,"No, honey, I have not seen him today. I would try Felicity or Oliver. OLIVER!"

  Oliver ran into the room and asked Dad,"John, what's wrong?"

  Dad smiled but motioned over to me saying,"Y/N's looking for Roy. Have you seen him?"

  Oliver nodded, and I let out a sigh of relief.

  Dad raised an eyebrow and interrogated me by saying,"Why are you so happy to see Roy? What are two going to be doing and why am I not invited?"

  I giggled, and Dad did not look amused.

  I said,"Daddy, don't take any offense to it. I know you want to be my bodyguard, BUT Oliver needs you more than I do. I have no doubt something will come up and you two could use that time to fully get back on the same page."

  Dad looked over at Oliver, and Oliver said,"That actually does not sound like a bad idea. She's right, John. We do need to get back on the same page. How about we go try to act normal and see a movie or just talk?"

  I made a heart with my fingers, and Oliver rolled his eyes, before I gave both of them a kiss on the cheek.

  Oliver looked me in the eyes and said to me,"Roy is right outside. He said something about needing air."

  I nodded and walked outside to find Roy sitting on the sidewalk. I sat down beside him and noticed he was avoiding eye contact with me.

  I sighed and rested my hand on his leg saying,"Roy, you are not going to hurt me. I know you went through a lot with having to earn Oliver's trust, having that mirakuru in your system, and being gone for a long time, but I know you are still on my side. I need you to trust me when I tell you that I do not take back dating you for anything, okay?"

  Roy finally looked into my eyes and said,"Okay. I trust you, but did you really miss me while I was gone?"

  I replied,"You know I did, boy. I should punch you for being gone for so long, but I understand. I really do. Although, I will admit it got harder the longer you were gone. I thought you'd never come back."

  "Baby, I am so sorry. I just needed to get away from everything and figure somethings out on my own. It was never because of you or anything you did. I thought of you, too, which is why I wanted to know if you would join me for lunch? It doesn't have to be right now but-"

  I cut Roy off by placing a sweet kiss on his lips and slowly pulling away saying,"That sounds perfect. Let me go tell Oliver and Da-Let me not. He may try to come along."

  Roy chuckled and nodded, before I headed inside. Oliver was still here, but he looked like he was about to leave. Dad was nowhere to be found.

  I yelled,"OLLIE!"

  Oliver stopped and turned saying,"Hmm?"

  I jogged up to him and said,"I am going to be gone for a couple of hours."

  Oliver asked me,"Why?"

  I could feel his protective side kicking in, and I giggled saying,"I am going to go have lunch with Roy. Is that a problem?"

  Oliver nodded and said,"Well, yes, it is. We didn't talk about this."

  I chuckled and said,"Yes. We just did. Thanks, Ollie! Be back before you know it!"

  I kissed his cheek and rushed outside to join Roy. For lunch, Roy kept it simple and I enjoyed that. When lunch was over, we headed back to the lair. Everyone was here, and Oliver noticed Roy and I's hands.

  I said,"Ollie, Roy and I are still holding hands. Why are you so upset?"

  Felicity laughed and held on to Oliver's arm saying,"He's just worried since you are like his little sister."

  I smiled at Oliver saying,"Aww. Don't make me cry. Come here."

  I gave Roy a kiss, and Dad jumped, which made Roy laugh and go speak to my father. I rushed over to Oliver trying to give him a hug.

  Oliver groaned and tried to push me away saying,"Y/N, please. You don't have to hug me."

  I pouted and he sighed, pulling me in for a hug. I smiled and hugged him back, before I slapped him.

  He yelled,"OWW!"

  I giggled and escaped his grip, grabbing Roy to protect me. Roy helped me try to run from Oliver, who was not amused.

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