Bat-Boys x Reader

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Dedicated to BriannaLouiseDelgado

Up next: Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 1

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 2

WONDER WOMAN COMES OUT ON BLU-RAY AND DVD TOMORROW Great movie, if you have not seen it already.

   Y/N'S POV

  "Alfred, why is it so hot in here?"

  Alfred chuckled and said,"Maybe because it is that time of year, Miss L/N. I do believe you are supposed to be helping Master Bruce right now, if I am correct?"

  I smiled and jumped out of my chair saying,"That you are, Alfred. Do not have too much fun without me, Alfred. I will be back before you know it."

  Alfred got back to the dishes and joked saying,"I will try to save a few for you, Miss L/N. I know how much you love to clean."

  I just smiled and headed down to the Batcave, before I saw Jason training with Dick.

  I walked up to Bruce's desk and leaned on it saying,"Hello, Batman."

  Bruce chuckled saying,"Hi, Y/N. What brings you down here today?"

  I looked around saying,"Did not really feel like being at home, so I decided to invite myself over. I know you would be so upset without me here."

  Bruce just smiled at me and said,"Maybe, but maybe you have me confused with the boys. JASON, DICK!!"

  Jason and Dick stopped their efficient training session, but they looked so sweaty. Hopefully, they would not try to hug me. Jason and Dick ran over to me, tackling each other. They really wanted to get a hug from me. How cute.

  I held up my hands and dramatically said,"Boys, relax. There is enough of me to go around."

  Bruce smiled and turned around, before Jason and Dick both gave me a hug. Dick pulled away from the hug, but Jason decided he wanted to hug me a little longer than I expected him to.

  I giggled and said,"Jay, I love you, too, but you are creeping me out."

  Jason pulled away from the hug and smirked saying,"You love me?"

  Bruce raised an eyebrow and looked directly at me.

  I said,"Jason, I meant in a friendly way. I say it to you all the time."

  Jason pouted, and Dick smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulders saying,"Y/N only says that because she forgot to mention we are dating. She did not want to hurt your feelings, JayBird."

  Jason frowned and I gently removed Dick's arm from around me, before I corrected him by saying,"No, I said that because I truly just meant it in a friendly way. Ugh. Bruce, help me out here."

  Bruce turned and directed his attention between Dick and Jason saying,"Y/N is not interested in neither one of you."

  Jason and Dick both frowned. I sent Bruce a look.

  He laughed and put his hand on my shoulder saying,"You told me to help you out, so I gave them the truth."

  I rolled my eyes, and Damian and Tim ran down the stairs.

  Damian ran over to me and said,"Hey, L/N, do you have any plans later?"

  Was Damian trying to ask me out? What was going on with everyone today?

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