Nightwing x Reader Part 2

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Hey, DC Family!! I hope everyone enjoyed watching Comic-Con!! It was great, and I'm so excited for the future of DC Comics!! We have great things coming, and Wonder Woman's film will be amazing!! Suicide Squad will be amazing, I know it will! Stay tuned, because the Questionnaire will come soon!! EVERYONE, PLEASE CHECK OUT MY NEW MAZE RUNNER BOOK," Old Alliances" It would mean the world to me!! Please vote, comment, and enjoy! If you missed anything from Comic-Con, YouTube will get you catch you up in no time!

Up next: Steve Rogers x Reader x Clark Kent

Later: Damian Wayne x Sibling Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  The next morning, I woke up in bed, and Dick was not beside me. Uh oh. I bolted out of the bed and made sure I was not being paranoid, but I surely was.

  Dick came walking out of the bathroom and said,"N/N, you okay?"

  I nodded and said,"Yeah, I am fine. You?"

  Dick wrapped the towel around his waist and walked over to me.

  He sat down beside me and leaned on my shoulder saying,"I have been better, but I am hanging in there for Bruce's sake. He has been worried about me, and Alfred definitely has been doing more check-ups on me. Do you have anything to do with that, babe?"

  I chuckled and held his chin saying,"Maybe, but I would not count on it. You know I love you, right?"

  Dick leaned in and mumbled,"Of course, I do."

  I kissed back and brought him closer, before I heard someone clear their throat. I jumped away from Dick, while Bruce and Alfred stood at the door laughing and smiling at each other.

  Bruce said,"Honey, I hate to ruin your moment, but your mom is at the door."

  I nodded and gave Dick a quick kiss, before I jogged down the stairs and hugged my Mom tight. She hugged back, but I could tell something was not right.

  I pulled away and asked her,"Is everything all right?"

  Mom said,"Yeah, everything is fine. I just need you to come with me."

  I nodded and cautiously said,"All right, let me just go talk to Bruce, Alfred, and Dick really quickly."

  Mom kissed my cheek, and I gently closed the door. Next, I quickly ran up the stairs.

  Dick ran to me and checked me over saying,"Are you all right? Is everything okay? Do I need to-"

  I cut Dick off by kissing him passionately.

  Dick kissed back, and I pulled away saying,"I have to leave with my mother. Something is bothering her, and she needs me with her. I will call you later, okay? I love you, Richard."

  Dick pulled me closer and nuzzled his nose against my own saying,"I love you more, beautiful. I love you more. You better call me, or Nightwing is paying you a personal visit."

  I winked at him and smirked saying,"I am counting on it, Grayson. Counting on it. I love you most, and you can't top mine. You just can't. "

  Dick smiled and blew me a kiss, before I caught it and blew him one back. Alfred kissed my forehead, while Bruce pulled me in for a hug.

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