Zatanna x Requested Reader

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Dedicated to JeagerLAllen

Up next: Damian Wayne x Sister Reader

Later: Aquaman x Reader


  I was furious. Robin, an acquaintance, was flirting with MY girlfriend, Zatanna. I thought it was just me, but Artemis and Kid Flash noticed it, too.
  I tried believing that maybe I was just overreacting, but it had been going on for the past 20 minutes now. That was 20 minutes long enough.

  Heated, I went to approach Z and Robin, yet Artemis held me back.

  She said to me,"J, you can't just go over there and hurt Robin. You're already on Batman's bad side."

  I argued,"So! He's flirting with my girl, and I'm sure there's plenty of women in Gotham for him to flirt with!!"

  Wally laughed, and Artemis elbowed him in the stomach. I ignored Artemis' argument and headed over to end this.
When I made it over to Zatanna and Robin, she was giggling and smiling at Robin. I immediately grabbed Robin by his cape and threw him to the ground.

  Zatanna sighed and yelled,"Jeager, you didn't have to do that! We were just talking to each other!!"

  I rolled my eyes and scoffed saying,"Right. Talking. You listen to me, Boy Wonder, you stay away from Z. She's not single, and you remember which one of us has the upper hand off the ground."

  Robin got up and in my face, asking me,"Is that a challenge, Jeager?"

  I balled my fists and said,"It can be. I don't care who your mentor is. He's not here now to protect you."

  Robin's face showed pure anger, and I noticed the look he gave Zatanna. I don't know why, but I punched him and that was when the fight between us broke out. It may have been, because I was so tired of him always flirting with Z.
  Robin went to hit me with one of his toys, but I broke it in half and threw him into the back wall. Kid Flash tried to cut in, but I analyzed where he would run to next. I tripped him, and he ran into the opposite wall.

  Robin tackled me, and Zatanna yelled,"GUYS, STOP FIGHTING!!"

  I wanted to stop, but there was so much rage inside of me that I couldn't.

  When Robin said," much want her to."

  Maybe that was different, even for him, but we both clearly disliked one another. That was when I let out a strong electrical current, that blew out the power in the Cave.

  I heard Kid Flash yell,"Look what you guys did!! Now, how am I supposed to get to the kitchen?"

  I let go of Robin, and we had some explaining to do when The League was aware of the outage. They also noticed Robin and I.
  Of course, Batman was upset with me, but I would be okay. I headed into my room, and Z was in there.

  She had her arms crossed, and I sighed saying,"Z, I'm sorry. I just...I get so angry seeing him flirt with you all the time. I'm sorry for fighting him."

  Z walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck, asking me,"Are you okay, Jeager?"

  I nodded, and Z gazed into my eyes saying,"It's okay, J, but you don't have to worry about Robin. Sure, we may have had feelings for each other, but that was a while ago. I'm with you now, and I love you. I wouldn't trade you for Robin. I'm happy with you. Just please try to promise me you'll work on controlling your anger?"

  I nodded and smiled down at Z saying,"I promise. I love you, too, Z."

  Z leaned in and kissed me passionately, before I kissed her back. She broke the kiss and hugged my waist carefully.
  I hugged her back, and Robin passed by. He looked ready to fight me again, but I wouldn't worry about it.

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