Clark Kent (Justice League) x Reader

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Dedicated to DreamyKawaii

Up next: Justice League x Older Reader Part 2 (Sequel to Justice League x Younger Reader)

Later: Dove (Don) x Pregnant Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "Y/N!!! Y/N!!!"

  I jumped and Bruce Wayne, a good friend of mine, stood in front of me. He held a worried expression on his face. His butler, more like father figure, Alfred Pennyworth, expressed the same expression as he did.

  Bruce asked me,"What are you thinking about, Y/N?"

  I shook my head and replied,"Nothing, Batman. What are you thinking about? Strawberries? Alfred? Diana?"

  Bruce chuckled, and Alfred said,"I should always be on his mind, Ms. L/N. After all, I practically raised him as my own son. Right, Master Bruce?"

  Bruce went to say something, but I admitted to him,"I miss him, Bruce. I...I miss Clark."

  As Bruce sent me those sympathetic, blue eyes, I was doing the best I could to stay strong and not cry in front of Bruce. Well, Batman, too.

  Bruce asked Alfred,"Can you give us a few minutes or more?"

  Alfred nodded and walked out of Bruce's office; Bruce's attention returned back on me.
  By the time Bruce turned around, my tears were constant, and I put my hand over my mouth.

  Bruce crouched down in front of me and slowly rested his hand on my knee saying,"Hey, Y/N?"

  I double blinked a few times, trying to be able to see Bruce.

  Bruce squeezed my knee, explaining to me,"If Clark were here, he wouldn't want you sitting around and barely finishing your work. I know your job is important to you, Y/N. Just like Clark was, but you have to find something to help you smile throughout the day. What makes you happy, Y/N?"

  I sniffed and began to cry, replying,"C...Clark made me happy."

  Bruce sighed and said,"Stand up, Y/N. Just stand up. I'm going to help you."

  I slowly stood up on my two feet, even though I wanted sit back down and just cry for as long as I possibly could.
  Bruce sat down where I had just gotten up from and pulled me into his lap. He was awkward about it, but then he rested my head against his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around me and held me, while I sniffed saying,"I...Bruce, don't have to do this."

  Bruce said,"Yes, I do. You're my friend, Y/N. You need me. Hey, don't mess up my suit."

  I punched Bruce's chest, and he groaned, mumbling,"I wasn't serious, Y/N. Ouch."

  I laughed, and Bruce looked down at me saying,"Come back to the Batcave. At least where I can see you. Do you have anyone you can stay with?"

  I shook my head, and Bruce helped me up. I followed him out of his office, motioning to Alfred that I was fine and coming with Bruce and him.
  Alfred smiled, and it was not long before we made it to the Batcave. I noticed one of the suits in the Batcave, analyzing the lettering going across it.

  I asked Bruce,"Hey, what happened with this suit?"

  Bruce looked at it for a moment, but he just remained quiet and headed back to where he came from. I figured it was better unanswered. For now.

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