Tim Drake x Reader

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Dedicated to Jadewonders.

*Inside Info: Tim is a little unsure of whether to tell you he loves you, because he is truly afraid you would be put in danger. He does not want to risk losing you..*

Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Barry Allen x Reader


  I watched as Y/N made her way into the living room and talked to Bruce. Y/N and I had known each other for years, but she was the daughter of Lucius Fox. That came with things being a little awkward at times. It was not the fact that she related to Lucius, who was a great friend and also close family member at this point, but the fact that she was related to Tam.
  Tam and I had gone strong in our relationship for a long time, but eventually it did not work out so well. It was hard for both of us, but we were still close friends. It may not bother someone else, but it bothered me. I was just glad that we were at least friends and would be there for each other.

  Unfortunately, someone roughly hit me in the back of my head. I groaned and looked down to see a pencil. Y/N let out a giggle, while Bruce just smiled and acted like Y/N did not do a single thing.
  I rolled my eyes and looked Y/N dead in the eyes, before I bolted after her. She made her way towards the back of Wayne Manor.

  Luckily for me, I knew a short-cut and could cut Y/N off near the pool. I jumped over the fence and tried to catch Y/N, but I ended up knocking both of us inside the pool. Once I reached the surface, I noticed Y/N did not come back up and began to panic.

   Y/N'S POV

  After Tim rudely pushed me into the pool, I decided to get back at him and quickly got out of the pool. I noticed him looking around for me and I smiled thinking it was kind of cute, but I realized that I was teaching him a lesson. Calmly, I sat down in one of the recliners.
  Tim eventually came back up to the surface and noticed me sitting in the chair. He rolled his eyes and got out of the pool, before I noticed a certain look in his eyes. He was...Angry.

  I went to apologize, but Tim yelled in frustration,"Y/N! YOU CANNOT JUST DO THAT! I THOUGHT I...I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!"

  I did not know whether I heard Tim right or not, but he seemed to have gotten closer to me. I was lost for words. I had never really seen him this upset before, and it made me feel a hundred times worse about what I had done.

  Tim sighed and said,"I am glad you are okay. Sorry, for yelling at you, but I better get inside and help Bruce."

  I nodded, and Tim threw me a towel. I thanked him, before he sent me a small smile and kissed my cheek. I blushed and Tim went inside, before I sat down and wondered what Tim really was going to say.
  We had known each other for years and I never told him about my feelings for him, because I was afraid he would reject me.

  I thought he was going to say, " he loved me," but I guess I messed that up.

  I made my way inside the Manor, and Alfred asked me,"Miss Fox, is everything all right? Are you hurt?"

  I frowned and held in tears saying,"Alfred, have you ever made a mistake before?"

  Alfred nodded and sat down beside me saying,"Yes, indeed, I have. What is the mistake you made Ms. Fox?"

  I looked down and said,"I...I hurt Tim by trying to get him back for pushing me into the pool, but Tim yelled at me and said that he could have lost me. Alfred, I...I love him. I never told him and now, he hates me."

  I heard a familiar voice say,"I do not hate you, N/N. I could never do that."

  I turned and saw Tim leaning on the door frame. I looked at Tim and he looked at me, before Alfred got up and left the kitchen.
  Tim walked up to me and held out his hand.

  I smiled weakly and put mine in his, before Tim apologized saying,"I really am sorry about yelling at you. I just...do not want to lose you, Y/N. I...I love you."

  I went to say something, but Tim cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth and laughed saying,"Let me finish, Fox. I never told you because I was afraid you would get hurt in the process, but I did not realize that I was doing that already. I always lose the ones I care about with what I do and I was afraid the same would happen to you. Y/N, I understand if you need time to think about it, but I-"

  I cut Tim off by kissing him passionately and bringing him closer by his collar.
  Tim smiled in the kiss, but I heard whistling and cheering coming from the living room.

  We pulled away from the kiss, and Bruce said,"I thought you were doing homework?"

  I blushed and Bruce sent me a wink, before Alfred laughed saying,"That is not what matters right now, Master Bruce. What matters is that we have the couple we have been waiting on for months now. Well done, Master Drake."

  I smiled and kissed Tim's cheek, before he pulled me in for a hug. I felt so relieved to know he felt the same.

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