Bat-Family x Mother Reader

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Up next: Jason Todd x Reader

Later: Hank Hall (Hawk) x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  This day just felt like it was taking forever to go by. Tomorrow was my birthday and today, nothing was really going on. At least I was still alive. That was a good thing.
  After my shift was over, I walked to Wayne Enterprises and to the elevator. I greeted the other people inside the elevator with me, then the doors opened. Everyone hurried out of the elevator and I stepped out, greeting Lucius.

  Lucius said,"Good afternoon, Ms. L/N. Mr. Wayne is just through those doors."

  I thanked Lucius and pushed open the doors, only to see the boys, Alfred, and Bruce.

  The boys all rushed to me and hugged me.

  I held all of them in my arms and said,"I've missed you boys too. What are you all up to?"

  Bruce said,"Nothing. Actually, we were talking about you. You have to tell me what you want to do for your birthday, Y/N."

  I smiled at Bruce, the boys, and Alfred saying,"I really just want to go somewhere, away from Gotham. I want to be able to be on vacation with all of you there, not just one or two of you. We rarely get to spend time together, so that's what I want."

  Bruce nodded and said,"All right. Then, it's settled. We're going on a vacation."

  I said confused, forgetting who I was talking to,"Just like that?"

  Bruce chuckled and said,"Just like that."


  A couple of hours later, we were on a private jet to Hawaii. I kept asking everyone if they wanted to go somewhere else, but Bruce always motioned for them not to say anything.
  As Bruce sat beside me, I said to him,"Why didn't you let everyone else have a say when I wanted their opinions?"

  Bruce gazed over at me and took my hand saying,"You rarely think about yourself, so I wanted you to feel like this was your choice. Plus, it's your birthday."

  He placed a kiss on my hand and gave it a squeeze, before Damian groaned saying,"Mother, will you please tell Drake to turn his music down?"

  I looked to the back and said,"Dami, you can't even hear his music. Come sit up here, if it's really bothering you."

  Damian gladly moved up to the front, and Alfred was knocked out. I laughed at the sight and Bruce did, too, then his eyes met my own.
  I blushed and looked down at my feet. When I grew tired, I rested my head on Bruce's shoulder and fell asleep.


  I woke up to being carried into the house we would be staying in. The boys immediately rushed to find the best room, while Alfred shook his head.
  I smiled and helped Alfred clean, then we all headed out to the beach. Bruce kept a hold of my hand, even when we sat down on the soft sand.

  Before the boys even tried to head for the water, I said,"Boys, sunscreen now!! You don't get to swim, if you don't put on sunscreen."

  They all groaned, and Bruce said,"Boys, do as Y/N says. She knows everything."

  I hit Bruce in the back of the head, and Alfred laughed.

  The boys all put on sunscreen, before Jason said,"Mom, do you need me to stay over here with you?"

  I smiled at Jason and said,"Aww, thank you, Jase, but I'm good. You go and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine."

  Jason nodded and gave me a kiss, before he rushed to the water.

  Bruce said to me,"You know, it's rare to get a smile like that from him. He didn't start smiling like that, until you came around."

  I looked back towards Jason and he waved to me, before I waved back.

  I said to Bruce,"I didn't know that, baby. Thanks for sharing. I love all of the boys, so I'm glad they are happy with me being around."

  When Jason and Dick tried to come out of the water, they were stopped by a group of girls. By the way Dick and Jason were talking with them, they all knew each other. Damian and Tim sat down with Bruce, Alfred, and I, and then Jason and Dick joined us.

  After we had our fun at the beach, it was time to eat. Dinner was amazing, and I had had an amazing birthday so far.
  When we made it back, Bruce pulled me close and said,"Come outside with me?"

  I nodded, and Bruce led me outside.

  He just looked out at the water and I did the same, until he softly said,"I don't know what things would have been like if I would have never met you. I don't think I've ever seen the boys and Alfred this relaxed and happy in a long time. Everyone in this family has been through many things, but we all need you. I need you so much. I hope you don't plan on leaving us."

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and said,"I could never leave any of you. I love all of you. You guys accepted me. You look out for me. I'm not used to feeling all of this so much, and sometimes it scares me, but I need this feeling. I need this family, too. I don't plan on leaving at all, unless Batman's getting tired of me sending him love letters."

  Bruce chuckled and said,"So, it's you that's been doing that? That makes sense. I do have something to ask you."

  Bruce got down on one knee and held out a little box, showing me the ring.

  He asked me,"Darling, will you marry me?"

  I said,"Yes!"

  Bruce took the ring and slid it on to my finger, before he kissed me. I kissed back, and he spun me around. Then, he put me back on my feet and pulled away from the kiss.

  I mumbled,"I'm going to be the best wife and mother I can be for myself and for all of you."

  Bruce smiled and rested his forehead against my own saying,"I know you will be, Y/N. I know you will."

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