Wonder Woman x Best Friend Reader

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Hey, everyone, for those of you who read my books consistently, just be patient with me. It's getting very hard for me to update stuff, because of all the technical difficulties. Half the time, I can't tell whether you can actually see the updates or not. It says that it's published on my side, but then the next it won't be. I'm sure Wattpad is working on it, so just hang in there. Pray that it doesn't happen to any more of my books or ANY of your books. I know it's frustrating.

Up next: Bane x Reader

Later: Clark Kent (Justice League) x Reader

   Y/N'S POV


  I placed Diana and I's plates on the table, waiting patiently for Diana to make her way down the stairs to eat breakfast. She had been very depressed lately, but I was sure it had something to do with that pilot. I couldn't remember his name. What was it? Oh, Steve Trevor!!
  It was hard enough trying to get Diana to actually speak, but not as much as getting her up and out of bed. Now, that...that took some time. I was just praying to God that she didn't fall asleep again.

  I got over my laziness and jogged up the stairs, but I noticed Diana was already up.

  She had on her Wonder Woman attire, but I said,"Oh, no. No. You are not going out there to save the world. Not like this. No offense."

  Diana sighed and said,"Y/N, I must go. I don't have a choice. Bruce needs my-"

  I blocked Diana from going down the stairs and explained to her,"Bruce will manage. He's Batman. I'm sure he knows someone else who can help him out. Diana, I'm pleading and asking you as your best friend to stay home for at least a few hours and eat something."

  I sent Diana pleading eyes to stay, because I knew she had walked out of this house plenty of times without eating a single thing. How she still was so fit and healthy was beyond my common knowledge. The girl could still knock a couple of guys out and not feel dizzy, even on an empty stomach.
I didn't want her leaving this place, until she ate something and washed up. Right now, this was one of my few chances to really help her out.

  Diana put down her shield and sword saying,"All right, honey, don't get so worked up. I'll stay."

  I let out a sigh of relief, and Diana walked down the stairs slowly. I walked down behind her and followed behind her into the kitchen. Diana took her seat and I sat down in front of her, before I began to eat.

  She just looked at me, and I said,"What?"

  Diana said,"The blessing? You normally do the blessing."

  I said,"Right. Um, sorry. Okay, um...Thank you, God, for waking both Diana and I up this morning. Even though it wasn't pretty earlier. Thank you for letting us live another day, even with what we've both experienced lately. Thank you for giving Diana the strength to try to be happy. Thank you for this lovely food that I almost couldn't afford. Amen. Let's eat!!"

  Diana laughed and I smiled at her, before we both began to eat our breakfast.

  As we ate our breakfast, I said,"Diana?"

  Diana's eyes met my own, and I sat down in the seat beside her.

  I gently took her hand and looked her in the eyes saying,"I know things have been hard for you, but I just want you to know that I'm here. I know I'm not your family or even the closest friend you could have, but I will try to be. I'm glad you decided to stay with me and keep me company, even when all of my other friends wanted nothing to do with me. But it is no excuse for me to try to let you slip away, too. I know you miss Steve and I wish I could have met him, but I'm sure he's looking down on you right now. I'm sure he's smiling at everything you have and will do. You're strong, Diana. You always have been. You just gotta channel whatever you're going through. Make something out of it."

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