Pre-teen Clark Kent x Reader

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Dedicated to peaxh14

IMPORTANT: Sick at the moment, but I wanted to push through and update for you all.

Up next: Ray Palmer x Reader

Later: Bart Allen x Reader


  "C'mon, Kent. All you have to do is walk over to Y/N's house and ask her to join you for the game later."

  I took a deep breath and jogged down the stairs, before Mom said,"Clark Kent, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be doing homework right now?"

  I groaned and said,"Mooommm. The baseball game is today, and I...I wanted to ask Y/N to join me."

  Mom smiled and walked over to me.

  She instantly grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them saying,"Aww, baby, you are growing up on me. Do you need me to walk with you?"

  I shook my head, before Mom said,"Clark, how are you going to get there?"

  I asked Mom,"Mom, can you please drive me over to Y/N's house, so I can ask her?"

  Mom nodded and I grabbed my coat, before I got into the car. Mom drove me to Y/N's house. Y/N's house sat a few inches away from my own home.
  The game was a few good miles away from my house, so that was why Mom needed to drive. I got out of the car and went to go to the door, but Mom called my name.

  I turned, and she said,"Sweetheart, your hair...It is sticking up at the top."

  I fixed my hair and thanked Mom. Mom smiled, and I made my way to Y/N's front door. I knocked on it, and her dad, Mr. L/N, opened the door.

  He smiled at me saying,"Hey, Clark. How is your father and mother doing?"

  I politely replied,"Great, Mr. L/N. Is Y/N home?"

  Mr. L/N nodded and leaned on the door saying,"Yes, are you thinking about marrying her?"

  I immediately blushed and stuttered saying,"W...We...Well, I...I just w...wanted a...ask her come the game w...with me. I...I wanted spend s...some time with h...her, but I...I have n....not thought a...about it t...that way."

  Mr. L/N chuckled, and I heard someone say,"Dad, leave Clark alone. Hey, Clark."

  I smiled at Y/N, because she looked so beautiful. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, but I was just Clark Kent. I was no hero or even someone that got all the girls.

  I finally replied back with,"Hey, Y/N. W...Would you to c...come to the with me?"

  Y/N nodded and said,"I would love to, Clark. Let me get my hat. Be right back."

  I smiled and waited for Y/N by the car, before I said goodbye to Mr. L/N. I helped Y/N into the car, then she kissed my cheek.
  I blushed and got in the passenger seat, before Mom drove Y/N and I to the baseball game. I walked with Y/N and Mom, while Mom kept on nudging me to talk to Y/N.

  Y/N looked at me, and I said,"How are you feeling?"

  I mentally facepalmed, because that was the only question that came to my mind.

  Y/N said,"Fine, but school is really getting harder for me. I try to keep up, Clark, but I don't really understand everything."

  Y/N frowned, and I took her hand saying,"It is okay, Y/N, if you do not understand. You will get it. It takes time. I'm s...sorry."

  I quickly let go of Y/N's hand. My hands started to sweat from how nervous I was. We eventually sat down, before we watched the baseball game.
Y/N was not a fan of baseball, but she seemed like she was enjoying this game.

  During the game, Mom bought some seeds for Y/N and I to snack on, which were not so bad.

  During the third inning, Y/N looked over at me and frowned saying,"Why are these seeds so wet?"

  Just as Y/N said that, my face immediately turned a dark shade of red. Y/N chuckled and smiled softly at me.

  She said,"You're disgusting, Kent, but it is understandable. Can you try not to put them back in the bag? I am eating them, too."

  I nodded and said,"S...Sorry, Y...Y/N. A...are enjoy...enjoying t...the date far?"

  Y/N raised an eyebrow at me, while I just realized my mistake. I turned away from Y/N and wanted to leave already.
That was until I felt Y/N kiss my cheek. She kissed my cheek for the second time today. She held on. I could not contain my smile.

  She slowly pulled away saying,"I didn't know this was a date, but this is the best one I have ever been on. We should do this more often, Clark."

  I smiled and slowly put my hand over hers. I looked at Y/N and waited for her to move my hand, but she never did. My smile remained on my face. I was so happy to hear Y/N say that.

  Mom looked over at me and laughed, before I groaned saying,"Mom!"

  She smiled and said,"Sorry, Clark."

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