Terry McGinnis x Reader

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Up next: The Riddler x Reader

Later: Zatanna x Requested Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I sat with Max, one of Terry's closest friends, she asked me,"When are you going to tell him, Y/N?"

  I replied,"I don't know, M. Terry has a lot going on being Batman right now. He barely has time to come and see me anymore. I just have to deal with it."

  Max shook her head and said to me,"No. You need to talk to him about it. The last time I talked to Terry, he told me about how he thought he was doing a good job of coming to see you. You need to tell him how it makes you feel. You're his girlfriend, and he loves you. He told me so himself. I know he meant it. Even if he can't spend a lot of time with you, it does not mean he does not want to. All right?"

  I nodded and sent Max a smile saying,"Thanks, Max. I guess I better go talk to him, then. See ya, Max."

  I left Max' place and drove to Wayne Manor. I knew Terry was there. He rarely came home often, according to his mother. His little brother, Matty, seemed to have no problem with that.
  When I arrived at Wayne Manor, I put in the code to unlock the gate and it opened. I drove up the long hill and parked my car. I walked to the front door and knocked on it.

  The door opened, and Mr. Wayne greeted me saying,"Y/N, it is good to see you without any injuries."

  I laughed and said,"I know, right? It is good to see you still pushing through, Mr. Wayne. Terry's here, right?"

  Mr. Wayne nodded, and I followed him down to the Batcave. I helped Mr. Wayne down the stairs, even though he tried to do it on his own. He was much older than he used to be, given he had a cane now.
  He thanked me and tried not to draw much attention to me helping him. I just smiled, and Ace ran to me. He barked loudly and licked my face a couple of times.

  I rubbed his head and laughed saying,"I missed you, too, boy!"

  I noticed Terry training. It always felt like it had been so long since I've seen him. Of course, we texted each other and called each other, but it was not the same as being face to face.

  Mr. Wayne noticed my change in mood and said,"C'mon, Ace. Time to take a walk."

  Ace ran after Mr. Wayne, and I turned back to watch Terry train. He was fast and efficient, which was why he was so good at what he did.

  I said,"Terry?"

  Terry stopped training and said,"Y/N? Y/N, you're here! I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming."

  I replied,"It's okay. Terry, I do need to talk to you about something."

  Terry walked over to me and hugged me while he was a sweaty mess.

  I just hugged him back, and Terry mumbled,"I love you, Y/N."

  I smiled and said,"I love you, too, but Terry sit."

  Terry nodded and sat down, providing me with his full attention.

  I explained to him,"I love that you fight back for those who can't fight for themselves on a daily basis, but I miss spending time together. Like as a couple. I know being Batman takes much responsibility and time, I get it, but I'm just asking for a little time for just the two of us. I just really miss the times where we would go to see a movie or just go for a motorcycle ride together. I really, really miss those times, Terry."

  Terry stood up and walked over to me.

  He gave me a kiss and looked me in the eyes saying,"I heard you, Y/N. I heard you. From now on, I will do my ultimate best to put aside days for just the two of us. No Batman. No suits. Just us. I can't promise that Batman won't be needed that day, but I'll see if the old man can get someone to step in."

  I hugged Terry's waist and said,"Thank you, Ter. You don't know how much this means to me. You don't have to take all of-"

  Terry politely cut me off by saying,"No. Doesn't matter how long it is. You are worth it, Y/N. You always will be."

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