Damian Wayne x Sibling Requested Reader

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Dedicated to SweetGamer4eva.

Info: Hey, everyone, I hope you're enjoying this book so far! Don't worry, there are many more parts to come!! In this Damian Wayne x Sibling Requested Reader, Alessa is Damian's twin sister and is very similar to Damian, but there may just be something there for Drake. Guys, just because there's already a name there, doesn't mean it would be any different if Y/N was there. You could always put your name there and still enjoy it.

Up next: Dick Grayson x Reader Part 2

Later: Justice League x Reader


  My name was Alessa, and I was the twin sister of Damian Wayne. Well, Damian was more or less important, but he was my twin, so we had some things in common.
  Mom cared about us in a different way, but Dad and Grandpa also did. That was all that mattered to me and I was glad I, at least, to have people behind me.

  Right now, I was waiting on Dad to come and help me with my homework. He was really smart and seemed to understand this stupid stuff, which I could never figure out. You know that one subject that drove you crazy and you wished you never had? Well, that subject for me was mathematics.
  I did not understand it half the time, and Dad was just getting it like it was nothing. He had to explain it to me dozens of times...and I felt completely worthless and uneducated, when I realized how long it took me to comprehend the material.

  I did not even realize I was crying, until my chin was lifted by Dad. I quickly wiped my tears and looked away from him.

  Dad frowned and made me look at him, asking in pure concern,"Darling, what is wrong?"

  I shook my head and said,"Dad, I am so so sorry that you got stuck with me. I do not understand anything, and you have to explain it to me millions of times. I am the worst daughter ever."

  Dad shook his head and kissed my forehead saying,"No, you are the best daughter ever, even though we have to work on your confidence and how stubborn you are. You are extremely talented and beautiful. I know that it cannot be easy having Damian as your twin."

  I giggled at Dad's humor, which caused him to smile. Not many people understood his humor, but it was always nice seeing him calm and playful.

  Dad squeezed my hand and said,"We are going to get this together, I promise. Come here."

  I crawled over to Dad's side of the bed, before he pulled me into his arms and tightened his grip on me.

  I smiled and leaned on his chest saying,"I am glad we have you, Dad. Mom told me you would not want teenagers, especially one like me."

  Dad rested his hands over mine and leaned on me saying,"She was wrong, honey, and I do not know why she would tell her own child that. I always did have a weak spot for your mother, but I am glad I got the chance to take care of you and your brother. I love you, Alessa."

  I smiled and gave Dad a kiss on the cheek saying,"I love you, more, Dad."

  Dad let go of me, before he helped me out with my Math again.


  I was training inside the Batcave, before I decided to take a break and cool down for a minute.

  I heard someone say,"Drake, you are looking a little stumped and drained. Seen a ghost?"

  You would have thought Damian said that, but it was Alessa.

  I chuckled and shook my head saying,"No, actually I just got done training. Why, are you worried about me?"

  That seemed to catch Alessa off-guard, which surprised me as well. I began to notice something that I would not have thought about a few hours ago, or maybe even minutes ago.
  I walked towards Alessa, while she continued to take more steps backwards. She would have fallen off the steep edge of the Cave, if only I did not catch her and even out our weight. That was so we both would not end up falling over the edge.

  Alessa laughed and said,"Thanks, Tim. It's always good to know you're still around."

  I smiled and said,"You're welcome, and I'm glad I was here. How are you related to Damian?"

  Alessa laughed again and said,"It just happened, but there's no one else I'd rather have as my twin."



  Damian could not stand the fact that Tim and I were hanging out right now. We were only playing a board game, and Damian was acting like his life was over.

  He said to me,"Alessa, why him? Why not Grayson or even Todd?"

  I chuckled and said,"Because Tim just gets me. Dick and Jason are busy. Plus, Tim has much more patience than you do."

  Damian replied,"Drake does not have more patience than I do. What happened to that idiot you were dating?"

  I shrugged and said,"You know what? I actually don't know. That's a good question. Maybe Dad talked to him."

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