Dick Grayson x Reader

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Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader

Later: Tim Drake x Reader

Hey, family, requests are now closed. It saddens me to say this, but we are getting very close to the end of this book. Go and see Joker in theaters now!

   Y/N'S POV

  If there was one person I looked forward to seeing every day, it was Dick Grayson. I had the best man in the world, and he was my rock.
  Dick had been there, even when I had just received the news of my parents' death. Maybe that was what brought us together, given we both had lost our parents too soon.

  Obviously, I was a teenager when I lost my parents, Dick was only a child. Today was the anniversary of my parents' deaths, and Bruce offered to give me a ride to the cemetery.

  I said,"Thanks. That would be nice."

  When we made it to the cemetery, I got out of the car and walked over to Bruce's side of the car.

  Bruce asked me,"Do you need me to come with you?"

  I shook my head and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  Bruce asked me with a smile,"What was that for?"

  I said, wiping my tears,"For being the father I didn't know I needed. You'll be here when I get back?"

  Bruce nodded and said,"Of course, I will. Go on."

  I walked over to my parents' tombstones, and Dick soon joined me.

  He said,"Hey. Sorry I'm late. I had to take care of Penguin again."

  I nodded and said,"It's fine. I'm not mad at you. So, what made you stop by? I didn't ask you to."

  Dick slowly took my hand and intertwined his fingers with my own saying,"You didn't have to ask me, Y/N. I knew you wanted me to be here with you."

  I looked back at the tombstones and said,"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad. It's been six years since you guys were killed, and it still feels like yesterday. I want you both to know that I'm good and Dick and I are still going strong. He thinks we're going to get married one day, and I could see that happening."

  Dick smiled over at me, yet he stayed quiet. After I finished talking to Mom and Dad for a while, Dick took his turn at talking to them. I listened to everything he said and even smiled at his attempts to make me smile.


  Dick and I stood in the same place for quite some time, before he asked me,"How much longer do you need?"

  I replied,"Just a few more minutes. I'm sorry, Richard."

  Dick kissed my hair and said,"Don't be. I just wanted to let Bruce know, just in case. He's still here. He never left."

  I chuckled and remained with my parents for a couple more minutes, until Dick led me to the car. He opened my door for me, and I got in. Dick walked over to his side and got in, too, before Bruce pulled off.

  It remained quiet, until I asked Bruce,"Bruce, is it okay if I called you "Dad" from now on?"

  Dick smiled and Bruce seemed to stunned by my question, yet he didn't respond.

  I sadly said,"It's okay, Bruce. Forget I asked."

  Bruce said,"No, it's fine. I didn't expect for you to ask me that. Of course, you can call me that."

  I smiled real big and waited until the car stopped to hug Bruce. Bruce hugged me back, and then we headed our separate ways.

  Dick walked into my room and sat down beside me saying,"You know that if I've ever said anything hurtful to you, Y/N, that I didn't mean it, right?"

  I cuddled into him and replied,"I know. Sometimes we both just say things, but I don't ever take it to heart. I'm also sorry if I've ever said anything hurtful to you."

  Dick looked down at me and stroked my cheek saying,"I forgive you, Y/N. Are you okay? Are you really okay?"

  "Yes, I am really okay. I've got you and a family who loves me. I also have my parents smiling down at me. I'm okay, Grayson."

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