Bruce Wayne x Reader Part 2

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Dedicated to peaxh14

Up next: Pre-teen Clark Kent x Reader

Later: Ray Palmer x Reader


  "Alfred, did you see a woman with H/C hair, E/C eyes, and about this high escape out of Wayne Manor?"

  Alfred shook his head replying to me,"No, Master Wayne, but I would like for you to find a woman like that. Maybe she will keep you from causing me any more stress than I already have."

  I chuckled but cleared my throat saying,"I need to find her. There is something different about her. Something tells me that when I find her, it won't be the last time we see each other. Maybe you should get excited now, Alfred."

  Alfred said,"I am, Master Bruce. I am. I just pray that that awful Joker fellow does not hurt Miss...Miss...What is the young woman's name, Master Bruce?"

  That was when it hit me. I never received the woman's name, but I could never forget her face.

  "I don't know, Alfred, but I will find out. Right now, I have to go and find her, before Joker does another selfless act against someone else."

   Y/N'S POV

  I screamed in pain, and Harley said,"Puddin, I don't know how much she can take."

  Joker rolled his eyes saying,"That is the point, my dear Harley. Bats needs to stop ignoring me and maybe I will stop letting it out on everyone else! What will it take for him to just give me some attention?!! Bruce Wayne gets more television time than I do."

  Harley walked up to Joker and leaned on his shoulder saying,"Don't stress, Puddin. Batman just needs to get his priorities straight!! He will show up. He always does!!"

  Joker let out a long sigh and let go of me, which I thanked God for. Surely, I was in pain, but it was better than being dead. I was told many stories of the famous Joker, I just never believed them until now.
  Normally, I was told, Joker killed his victims, or even his own men. I would hate to be the one that made him upset.

  Joker said,"What is taking him so long? BATMAN, WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT YOU!!"

  I slowly sat up and Harley made sure I did not get up, before Batman looked in my direction.

  He frowned and said,"What did you do to her?"

  Joker rested his hands on my shoulders. Nerves, I didn't even know I had, went through me. I was already afraid of Joker and scared he would hurt me again. I did not know how much more I could take.

  Joker laughed saying,"Y/N, here, kept Harley and I company!! She did not do much but scream and beg me to stop, but she was not much of a talker. I like that. Where have you been Batsy?"

  Batman said,"It does not matter, Joker. Let her go, or I will do this the hard way. She...Y/N comes with me."

  I don't think Batman really knew my name, which I was not shocked by. I had never really met him personally, or even seen him around. I had always heard of him, like Joker, but never got the chance to see him in action.
  Batman hesitated, as if he was not sure Joker really knew my name himself. For all he knew, Joker could have made it up for his lack of care for my well-being.

  Batman lunged at Joker, and Joker immediately started to fight him. Joker dodged Batman's punch, but Batman got one in and Joker groaned in pain.
  I tripped Harley and she got back up, before she flipped towards me. I grabbed her leg and threw her against the wall. Harley got back up running towards me, but I moved out of the way and cornered her against the wall.

  Harley tried to break my hold, but it was not really working for her. I hit her, and she fell to the ground. I tied her hands to the chair on my right side, then I saw Batman had taken down Joker.

  Aww, I missed it.

  Batman rushed over to me and said,"I will get you out of here. Hold onto me."

  I nodded and wrapped my arms around Batman's neck, while I winced in pain from Joker's torture.

  Batman asked me,"Do you need to rest for a second?"

  I nodded and Batman stopped on top of GCPD, before he said,"You're bleeding."

  I looked down, and my arm was bleeding. Batman crouched down in front of me and pressed down on my arm.
  He found a way to stop the bleeding, before he wrapped some gauze around my arm.

  I said,"Thank you, Bruce."

  Batman looked up at me and said,"Why would you assume that I am Bruce Wayne?"

  I chuckled saying,"Black just looks good on you. This is where you say "Thank you, Y/N."

  Batman took off his mask, and Bruce sent me a warm smile saying,"You're welcome, Y/N. I am sorry I made you help me get those people out of Wayne Manor. If not, then you would have not been hurt. I am sorry, Y/N."

  I waved it off and held my arm saying,"I finally got the opportunity to meet you, so it was worth it. I will probably have nightmares for a few weeks or months, but thank you for coming to my rescue, Batman."

  Bruce nodded and went to say something, but I looked him in the eyes saying,"I know, Bruce, I know. I am not going to tell your identity to anyone. Trust goes both ways, right? By the way, I never said you were actually Bruce Wayne, but I implied it. You gave yourself away."

  I laughed at Bruce's face. His face was priceless. I just put my hand on his shoulder and sent him a reassuring smile.

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