Bruce Wayne x Arranged Marriage Reader

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Dedicated to Her_Skeleton.

Inside Info: You have an arranged marriage with Batman/ Bruce Wayne, but there may be a little something that you two forgot to each other.

Up next: Batboys x Reader

Later: Zatanna x Male Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  "Alfred, are you telling me that Bruce is not going to make it to our date yet again?"

  Alfred nodded and sighed saying,"Ms. L/N, I can reassure you that Master Bruce had good intentions. He would never wish to abandon you. He is a very busy man."

  I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair saying,"I know, Alfred, but I would at least like to get to know the man a little better for once. He is always out and never comes home early. For all I know, he may just be avoiding me, because he is just as upset as I am about this marriage."

  Alfred raised an eyebrow at me, which just caused me to turn away, and I said to him,"Well, can you at least take me back to the Manor, Alfred? I would appreciate knowing you are not going to ruin my happiness completely, too."

  Alfred laughed and nodded, before I smiled a little and sat down back in the passenger seat of the limo. Alfred turned on the radio, before I heard another report about Batman saving our dear Gotham City. I really wished I could be back home in Central City instead of here in Gotham City.
  I sighed and leaned on the window, before Alfred said,"Ms. L/N, I see we are making a new fashion statement today."

  I playfully rolled my eyes and joked asking Alfred,"Do you want some tips, Mr. Pennyworth?"

  Alfred just smiled and drove us back to Wayne Manor, before I saw one of Bruce's many vehicles pull up beside us in the driveway. I could tell he was in it, because Bruce had a habit of arriving late, if you asked me from experience.
  Bruce got out of his car and greeted Alfred, before he noticed I was with him. He sent me a smile, but I had a hard time returning it back.

  Bruce walked over to me and tried his luck again by leaning in for a kiss, but I stopped him and cleared my throat saying,"Alfred, could you give us a minute alone, please?"

  Alfred took Bruce's coat for him, before he made his way inside.

  I turned back to Bruce and asked him,"Bruce, is there something just maybe that you forgot about? Something like say...OUR DATE!!"

  Bruce sighed and said,"I know, but I got busy--"

  I laughed. I hated whenever someone said that to me.

  I tried to keep myself from yelling, before I said,"Busy doing what, Bruce? What could you possibly be doing that was more important than being here for me? I get what this is about."

  Bruce raised an eyebrow at me and said,"I am telling you the truth, Y/N. What is this about?"

  I rolled my eyes and said,"You are trying to make me all sentimental and buttered up, so that I can finally be ready to be called Mrs. Wayne, right? You want me to be like all those other women who would die to be your woman. Well, you know what, Wayne? I am fine with my own last name! I wonder why my parents thought I would want to marry you!!"

  Bruce laughed and shrugged saying,"That is a nice accusation, Y/N, but I never once dreamed of meeting a woman who would not wish to be called Mrs. Wayne. Sure, there are many women who would want that title, but have you ever thought about why I don't make it to our dates?"

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