Joker x Reader

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Dedicated to Jaydeei6139.

Up next: Booster Gold x Reader

Later: Clark Kent (Smallville) x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Basically, I have spent my whole life in Arkham. It was not because I wanted to, but because I was blamed for a crime I never committed. Batman knew what happened, so he gladly stopped by every once a while to check on me.
  That always brought a smile to my face, but he was not the only one who had caught my eye. I had a little thing for Batman, at first, but I realized that it was really just one of my childhood fantasies.

  Currently, I was sitting down and talking to Pam and Harley.

  Pam kissed my cheek and said,"How are you feeling, darling? You look a little down. What is on your mind?"

  "I was wondering if I will ever you know...find someone. I do not think I deserve someone; especially if my looks are not the best."

  Harley lifted my chin, while Pam said,"Sweetheart, it does not matter what you look like, but what is on the inside. Trust me, Y/N, you are beautiful and no guy should ever turn you down. Do you want Harley and I to-"

  I cut Pam off by closing her mouth and giggling slightly saying,"No, it is not that serious, Ivy, but thanks, love. You, too, Harls."

  Pam kissed my forehead, before Harley kissed my cheek and headed out. I decided to just sit here and try to get some peace and quiet, but it was ruined.
  I turned, and Joker decided to sit beside me. I immediately blushed, because I did have something for the crazy Prince of Crime. First Batman and then The Joker. Two completely different personalities.

  "Darling, why are you so quiet today? You need to smile!!"

  I giggled a little bit and looked down, but Joker lifted my chin.

  He looked me in the eyes and said,"Something is not right with you, Y/N. What is the matter? Tell Joker what is bothering you."

  I sighed and said,"I hope you will not like shoot me for this, but I...I love you. That is what is bothering me."

  I turned, only for Joker to laugh and say,"Whoa, I was not expecting that one!! Well, I will see you later, darling!!"

  Joker patted my hand, before I just sat at the table and tried to process what happened. That was definitely not what I expected to happen. Well, it looked like my mood went down the drain already.
  I was escorted back to my cell, before I lied down on my bed. From the corner of my eye, I saw a piece of paper on my floor. I looked at it curiously and read it to myself. I smiled, because Joker had invited me over to his cell.
  Wait, what if I was being played? What if...Oh, just forget it, I was sure he would have done the expected already, while I was sitting here trying to figure out what was on the note. Once it was late and the security was low, I snuck over to Joker's cell and he opened the door for me.

  I blushed but smiled saying,"Oh, um, thank you. Do I just-"

  I did not know where to sit down, but Joker just led me over to the bed and motioned for me to sit down.

  He sat down beside me and said,"Tell me something, my dear, do you think that someone like me could have a woman like you?"

  I looked over at Joker and hesitated at first, before I finally brought my hand to his face. Joker actually accepted my action and brought me closer.

  I smiled and stroked his cheek slowly saying,"Yes, I do believe that you could have a woman like me, because the truth is: I meant what I said, Jack. Yeah, I already know."
  Joker sighed and put his hands over mine saying,"But you cannot tell anyone, darling. It will ruin everything."

  I nodded and felt Jack, well Joker getting closer to me by the second. Was this happening?

  He chose to make a move this time and cupped my face saying,"I love you, too, Y/N."

  I smiled and kissed Joker hard. Joker kissed back, before he wrapped his arms around me.
  I smiled in the kiss, before I brought Jack down with me. He leaned closer to me, while I brought him even closer in the kiss.

  I pulled away for a second to say,"Can I...Can I call you Jack, please?"

  Joker nodded and leaned back in saying,"You can call me whatever you want."

  My smile got even bigger, before I giggled into the kiss and pulled away from Jack. He put his forehead on mine and just stared into my eyes for a few minutes. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon realized Jack was just trying to get used to having me around and being under my touch.
  After a while, I yawned and Joker pulled me closer.

  I realized what time it was and got up saying,"Jack, I really need to get back, baby. The guards will come looking for me and I could get in trouble and-"

  Jack cut me off by kissing me softly. I kissed back and suddenly began to feel less worried about my choice of staying with Joker.

  He pulled me back down and wrapped his arms around me saying,"Do not worry, darling, I will not let anything happen to you. I love you."


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