The Riddler x Reader

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Dedicated to The_Fabulous_Gosling

Up next: Zatanna x Requested Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Sister Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I held Edward Nygma's hand, otherwise known as The Riddler and my boyfriend, he placed a kiss on my hand and said,"Dear, would you be so kind as to hand me my cane?"

  I nodded and searched for Nygma's cane, which resembled a question mark. When I finally spotted Nygma's cane, it was right next to Poison Ivy, who was talking to Harley Quinn.

  I walked over beside Pamela and went to grab the cane, but a hand grabbed my wrist.

  The hand belonged to Pam, and I sent her a soft smile saying,"Pam, I just need to get this for Edward before he tells me another riddle."

  Pamela did not let go of my wrist and stood up.

  She rubbed my arm with her other hand and said,"Now, darling, there's no need to rush. Nygma can wait and have patience. It will be good for him."

  I coughed at Pamela rubbing my arm, but I could tell Nygma was getting irritated by the riddles he kept blurting out to himself. I was only interested in Edward Nygma.

  Harley noticed what Ivy was doing and asked her,"Red, what are you doing?"

  Ivy chuckled and let go of my arm saying,"Nothing, Harls, just talking to Y/N. She was trying to resist, but it did not work so well."

  I immediately covered my face, and Harley said,"Red, leave her alone. Her boyfriend's getting upset."

  I looked back at Nygma, and he was giving his cane a death glare. He was still mumbling riddles to himself, and Ivy placed a kiss on my cheek.
  I sighed and grabbed Nygma's cane, before I brought it over to him. He thanked me, and I walked over to his side of the table.

  I sat down in his lap and said,"Darling, don't be jealous. Ivy didn't mean anything rude by it. She was just messing with me. It is what she does best. You know I love you, don't you?"

  Nygma focused back down on the riddle he was trying to figure out, which was:

  I can be made, and I can be played. I can be cracked, and I can be told. What am I?

  I smiled slightly and rested my hand over Nygma's own.

  He looked up at me and I asked him,"If I tell you the answer, will you give me a kiss?"

  Nygma chuckled and nodded saying,"Deal. What is it? I feel like I should know this one. Ah! I had an answer, but I'm just not sure."

  I replied,"A joke. The answer is a joke."

  Nygma let out a sigh of defeat and gave me a kiss. My smile grew, and Nygma noticed. He pulled my hand up to his face and placed a kiss on my knuckles.
  Harley said,"Gross!!"

  I leaned on Nygma, and he rubbed my side, leaning into me.

  I asked Nygma,"Where do you think we'll be in a couple of years?"

  Nygma stayed quiet for quite some time and said,"Riddle me this: Eros is at its core, while a ring is its symbol. Though it can be seen as holy, often it is sealed by contact. What is it?"

  When I figured out the answer, I attacked Nygma in kisses. I almost knocked Nygma out of his chair, and Harley and Ivy were confused.

  When I stopped attacking Nygma in kisses, Harley asked,"What is the answer?"

  I was not surprised that Harley and Ivy were in Nygma and I's conversation, but I smiled replying,"Marriage. Marriage is the answer to the riddle."

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