Blue Beetle x Reader

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I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone's undying support and love for my DC and Marvel books!! These books wouldn't still be going, if it wasn't for all of you. I'm just in a great mood, because my BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEKEND!! I don't really know what to do for it yet, but maybe I'll get a lot of new comics that I've been dying to read!! I'll make sure to keep updating, because I know how much you all enjoy my stories!! If I did a Transformers crossover in this book, would you all read it?

UP NEXT: Joker x Reader Part 2

Later: Bruce Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Right now, I was sitting on the couch, talking to Barb and my older brother, Bart. Bart Allen a.k.a. Impulse. Turns out, we were related, but I had no idea until he actually showed up here and proved it to me.
  Apparently, he was from the future, and I did not make it. I always cringed at the thought, but I was more than welcome to be what he needed me to be for him. Right now, I was hoping he could tell me where Blue was. I really needed to see my boyfriend, because I had not seen him in two whole months.

  I groaned for the thousandth time, because Bart would stop talking.

  Barb giggled and said,"Someone is tired of their brother."

  Bart overheard Barb, and I instantly wished she hadn't said anything.

  Bart turned to me and said hurt,"You were not listening? You were thinking about him again, were you not?"

  I went to deny it, but my cheeks immediately heated up at the thought of Blue.

  Bart rolled his eyes and yelled in frustration,"AND YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING?!!"

  I double blinked and said,"Uhhh. What did you say, Bart?"

  Bart yelled in frustration again, before he sped off and brought Blue back into the room. I ran towards Blue. I almost made it to him, but Bart got in my way.

  I pouted and whined saying,"Bart. I just want to see my boyfriend!! Chill out!!"

  Bart held me back and smirked saying,"You are looking at him right now. Really, Blue? Are you that attached to my sister? I mean, you do not need to see her every five minutes!!"

  Blue rolled his eyes and kept his eyes on me, which made me blush. He smiled and sent me a wink, before Bart looked between the two of us.

  Batman walked in the room, and Bart cornered him saying,"Do you understand women, Batman? I do not see why Y/N needs Blue so much."

  Batman looked at me and sent me a soft smile saying,"No, but some have their reasons for why they do certain things. I would watch out for your sister, because she is a keeper. Be happy for her, Impulse."

  I walked over to Batman and hugged his neck. He seemed confused at first, but eventually he hugged me back. Bart tried to steal a picture, but I was sure Batman sent him that famous Bat-glare.

  As I pulled away from the hug, Batman kissed my forehead and said,"I will give you the day off. I see Beetle wants to spend time with you, which I count as necessary. Be safe, all right?"

  I nodded and kissed Batman's cheek in return, before he walked out. I turned, only for Blue to be right behind me.

  I ended up bumping into him, and I blushed saying,"I am sorry, Blue. I...uh...I was just..."

  I was cut off by Blue lifting my chin and saying,"No, darling, it is all right. I have been meaning to see you all day, but I got busy here. I am so sorry for not telling you earlier."

  I waved it off and wrapped my arms around Blue's waist, before he pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back slowly.

  I smiled under his touch but mumbled,"I understand, baby. I missed you, too."

  Blue cupped my face, before he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I kissed back and brought Blue closer, but I heard groaning coming from in front of us. It was Bart, and I rolled my eyes at his annoying nature.

  Blue chuckled and stroked my cheek saying,"Why don't we get out of here and have some fun, before Bart ruins it again?"

  Barb distracted Bart and I sent her a nod in thank you, before Blue and I escaped.
  As we did, I noticed Blue smiling down at me. I smiled back, and we finally made it to our destination.

  Blue checked me over, and I could not help but feel lucky to have him.

  He kissed my nose and said,"I figured we would get your favorite and head home. I love you, Y/N."

  I squeezed Blue's hands and said,"I love you more, Beetle. I love you more."

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