Bruce Wayne x Reader

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Up next: Clark Kent x Reader

Later: Damian Wayne x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  As I made my way down the steps, I wrapped my blanket tighter around me. I was looking for Bruce, my husband of 3 years now, but I think I had a pretty good idea of what he could've been up to. I finally spotted Alfred and smiled at seeing one familiar face.

  Alfred sent me a soft smile and greeted me saying,"Morning, Mrs. Wayne. Is there something you need?"

  I nodded and said,"Yes, Alfred. I just needed to speak to Bruce. Is he out again?"

  Alfred nodded, and I plopped down in an available seat.

  Alfred rested his hands on my shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze saying,"Do not worry, Mrs. Wayne. He will be fine. Ah, Master Wayne!!"

  I turned and saw Bruce entering the kitchen.

  Alfred continued saying,"Mrs. Wayne and I were just talking about you."

  Bruce walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

  He buried his face in my neck and placed a soft and sweet kiss there saying,"All good things, I am sure. Honey, you okay?"

  I went to lie, but Bruce saw right through me. He held out his hand, and I had no choice but to put mine in his. He led me to his study, before he sat me down in his lap.

  Bruce held my hands and looked into my eyes saying,"What is going on, Y/N? Something is bothering you, and I want to do whatever I can to make it go away, Y/N. What is it?"

  I went to tell Bruce, but my fears got in the way. I did not want Bruce to leave me, because I was that paranoid he would be upset with me over the issue. Bruce patiently waited, but after 10 minutes, I never answered.

  He sighed and got up saying,"I guess you do not want to talk, then. I have to go meet Commissioner Gordon at GCPD for a case. I will be back as soon as I can."

  Bruce kissed my cheek and left out of the room. I went to reach for him, but I retracted my hand and sat back down. I looked down at my hands. I watched as my tears hit my dress, before I felt hands over mine.

  I double blinked and turned to see Jason sitting beside me.

  He kept his hand there and worriedly said,"Y/N, what's wrong? Do I need to get Bruce?"

  I shook my head and wiped my face, but my tears continued to fall.

  Jason frowned and said,"I was thinking that maybe if you could talk to me, it might help, at least a little."

  I nodded and sniffed saying,"Okay, Jase. The truth is: I...I just want to spend more time with Bruce. I know his job is important and all, but I...I feel like we barely see each other. We may love each other dearly, but Bruce has a legacy to take on. I am just afraid he will not need me anymore, and we will never get to see each other again. Oh, Jason."

  I broke down and cried on Jason's lap. Jason seemed conflicted and did not know what to do, but I just held his hands and continued to cry.

  Jason squeezed my hands and softly said,"I am, normally, not the one to do this, but I will this time. Y/N, Bruce does love you and will always want to spend time with you. Trust me I can tell. He does not know how to keep himself away from you, really."

  I giggled weakly at Jason's last statement, which made him smile. I gave him a weak smile back, before he helped me up. He led me down the stairs, and I noticed Batman talking to Commissioner Gordon.

  Jason gently pushed me forward, before I smiled and gave him a kiss saying,"Thanks, Jason. I really appreciated the talk. If you ever need someone like a friend, or even a mother, I will be here, okay? I owe you that much, Todd."

  Jason had the biggest smile on his face, and I would tell you it was worth it. I made it to the bottom stair, only for Batman to help me down. I blushed but smiled and let him guide me over to his chair. He sat me down in his lap, before I waved at Gordon. Gordon waved back, then Bruce shut down the Batcomputer. Once Batman looked at me, I immediately felt guilty and looked down.

  He lifted my chin and pecked my lips saying,"What's wrong, sweetheart?"

  The longer Bruce stared into my eyes; the more tears that fell down my face.

  I gripped Bruce's suit saying,"Bruce, I am so sorry. I...I never meant to hurt your feelings, but it has been rough for me lately. I have been so depressed lately, because I...because I..."

  Bruce motioned for me to go on, and I softly said,"Because I want to spend time with you. I know-"

  Bruce cut me off by kissing me passionately.

  I kissed back and held on for the longest, before he slowly pulled away saying,"No, I do not mind spending time with the love of my life. C'mon, let's go grab something, yeah?"

  Bruce held me for a minute, until I had calmed down. After I waited for Bruce to change, he grabbed my hand and led me to the car. With that, I enjoyed spending the day with Bruce.

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