Jason Todd x Reader

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Dedicated to Batgirl_RW101.

This Jason Todd x Reader is based off the song " Scared to be Lonely" by Martin Garrix.

Up next: Damian Wayne x Reader Part 2

Later: Tim Drake x Reader

Question: Would anyone actually want to see a 3rd DC Comics Imagines book? Do you all just want to end it with this book when it reaches its limit? Comment and let me know, so I can plan ahead and make it happen if you do!

WONDER WOMAN WAS AMAZING! IT WAS SO GOOD! I highly suggest everyone try to go see it!! It is very inspirational, and it does not matter whether you are more of a DC fan or not. I want to see the Lego Batman Movie again. Please check out my two Wonder Woman x Sibling Reader books.

   Y/N'S POV

  "Jason, what are you doing here? I thought we made it clear that we were not going to speak to each other anymore."

  Jason just looked at me for a minute, before he sighed saying,"I know what we agreed on, babe, but I need your help. Please, and then I will go back to my own apartment."

  I nodded and moved out of the way, before I noticed Jason looked a little dazed. I, then realized he was clutching his chest. However, Jason was trying his hardest to keep it from me. Ha, guess that did not last as long as he thought it would.

  I took Jason's hand and led him over to the couch, before I said,"Lay down and take your jacket off. Do not test me, Todd, because you are not the only one who has had training."

  Jason rolled his eyes at first, but I saw that smile forming on his face. I smiled a little, before I headed up the stairs and gathered my supplies.
  I jogged down the stairs and put everything down, so I could have enough space to tend to Jason's bullet wound.

  I sighed saying,"Where do you go, Jason? Why are you always getting shot at? You know, I really do not want to know this time."

  I pushed Jason's hands down and threw his jacket in the lounging chair, but Jason was still a little irritated that I made him take his jacket off.

  I snapped saying,"Do you want me to sit here and let you bleed out, Todd? Okay, then."

  Jason quickly shut his mouth, as to which I shut my own mouth. My tone with him did come across as a little harsh.

  I sighed saying,"Hold still or take my arm. This is going to hurt."

  Jason took my arm, and I shivered a little at feeling his touch again. It had felt like so long to me, even though we had not really seen each other for about a month. I slowly pulled the bullet from Jason's chest and he groaned in pain, while I did my best to not hit any important veins or tissues that was inside Jason. I really was not certified for this, but I had done it enough times to where I could probably pass as a doctor or a nurse.
  I put the bullet on a plate, while I began to clean off Jason's wound and did the best stitching work I could offer him. Through my whole practice or whatever the word was, Jason would look at me and trace patterns on my arm. It would make me blush, yes, but I was really too focused on keeping the man alive the whole time.

  When I was finished, Jason slowly sat up and said,"T...thanks, Y/N. I lo-I appreciate this."

  I nodded and smiled saying,"You are welcome, Jason. I am going to go and get rid of this. You do not have to go. You can take a shower upstairs, and I promise to keep my distance."

  Jason sent me a smile back and finally let go of my arm, before he jogged up the stairs. He stopped for a second and then walked towards the bathroom, down the hallway.
  I sighed knowing Jason's girlfriend was going to throw a fit with Jason being here, but I enjoyed having him here again. I began to think of my own relationship, and I never once thought Jason and I would end up in this position.

  I wish I could be in his arms again, take his kisses, or even feel his hands in my own, but that was a long time ago.

  Before I could get lost in my thoughts, I got up and cleaned up downstairs. I took care of the bullet and everything else, while I heard the water from the shower come to a stop.
  I just headed up the stairs and went to where Jason used to keep his clothes, before I realized he just happened to leave some here. I picked out an outfit for him to sleep in, before I knocked on the bathroom door and waited for him to open it.

  When Jason did, I instantly hid my blush and said,"H...Here. I brought you these. Good night, Jason."

  Jason went to say something, but I just handed him the clothes and quickly made my way to my room.
  I changed into my own pajamas and got into the bed, before I felt strong arms around me.

  I immediately jumped and saw Jason smirking.

  I rolled my eyes and sighed saying,"Jase, not tonight. You really need to stay away from me. If Rose knew you were here-"

  Jason wrapped his arms around me again and said,"Y/N, please do not do that to me. I have missed you so much, N/N, and I know you feel the same way. Look, I know we are both in relationships right now, but let me at least hold you one more time. Please."

  I turned around and a few tears fell down my face, before I nodded and said,"J...Jase, I am so sorry for all those times I...I yelled at you or made you upset. I...I am really sorry."

  Jason wiped my tears saying,"I know and I am sorry, too. Why did I let you go?"

  I looked down, before I already felt practically guilty for letting Jason hold me. That was really my boyfriend's job.
I knew Rose would beat me the second she saw Jason and I; however, I knew Jason would talk her out of it and find some way to use that bad boy charm of his.
  Jason pulled me closer to him and I seemed to be melting into his touch, while I began to realize why Jason and I were acting like this with each other. We were afraid of letting go of the past, while we dwelled on the fact that losing each other was going to be lonely for the both of us.


I could make a Part 2 if anyone wants it, but I am not sure if anyone would want a part 2 of this one.

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